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Dietary Fat Breakdown & the Benefits of Omega-3

It is no secret that a low-fat diet has gained popularity in today’s society. The problem is, that a low-fat diet is not healthy and can cause several health problems. Learning how to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy fats is crucial to a well-balanced diet. Additionally, getting enough healthy fats can help to prevent chronic disease, specifically cardiovascular disease- the leading cause of death in the United States. Today we breakdown the different types of fat including omega-3.

What is healthy vs. unhealthy fat? 

It is critical for patients and medical professionals to distinguish between the different types of dietary fat. Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are essential macronutrients in a well-balanced diet. MUFAs have one double bond, and PUFAs have two double bonds. These two fats are considered healthy fats.

 Alternatively, the two fats that should be limited and avoided are trans fat and saturated fat. The recommendation is to avoid the consumption of trans fat in the diet overall, and the American Heart Association recommends that saturated fat be limited to less than 10% of total calorie intake and less than 7% of total calorie intake to reduce cardiovascular disease risk further. Both MUFAs and PUFAs are liquid at room temperature, whereas saturated fat is solid at room temperature. Butter is an example of saturated fat (solid at room temp)—and olive oil is an example of a MUFA (liquid at room temp). 

What is omega-3?

           One specific type of PUFA is an omega-3 fatty acid. The term omega-3 has to do with where the double bond is. Omega-3s must be consumed in the diet because the body cannot make omega-3 on its own. Therefore, omega-3s are considered essential fatty acids. ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) is the type of PUFA in plant sources like nuts and seeds. CF(Protein)® uses chia seed oil that is rich in ALA. The other types of omega-3 are EPA and DHA. These come from marine sources, like fish. 

           Omega-3 consumption is essential to a healthy diet and poses many benefits to health. It helps prevent/lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and also benefits your brain, immune system, skin, and joints. 

What is the link between cardiovascular disease and omega-3?

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids may help protect you from developing cardiovascular diseases and events. Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids—including DHA, EPA, and ALA—is a promising primary and secondary way to prevent CVD. The main benefit of omega-3s is their ability to lower triglycerides. Additionally, omega-3s may help increase your HDL cholesterol (known as the “good cholesterol”). Higher levels of HDL may help prevent your risk for cardiovascular disease. 

              Hypertriglyceridemia is an independent risk factor for CVD events. According to the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 35% of men and 25% of women in the US have hypertriglyceridemia defined as triglycerides>150 mg per day. Those with mixed dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and high triglycerides) may be on statin medication to lower their cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, statins do not lower triglycerides. Therefore, even if your patients are on a statin, they may still be at risk for cardiovascular events due to hypertriglyceridemia. Controlling triglycerides levels is crucial in this scenario to protect patients from CVD. Currently, available options to lower blood triglycerides are fibrates, niacin, and omega-3 fatty acids. Sometimes, niacin and fibrates are not tolerated well and have adverse effects. Omega-3 fatty acids, however, have been shown to lower triglyceride levels with good tolerance.

Are omega 3’s anti-inflammatory?

                Yes! Another benefit of omega-3 is its anti-inflammatory effect. Omega-3 deficiency is linked to prolonged inflammatory response, and several Americans do not get enough omega-3 in their diet. When there is an infection or damage to the body, inflammation is the body’s natural response. Inflammation is simply a protective response involving host cells, blood vessels, and proteins. The goal of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, remove necrotic cells and tissues, and initiate repair. Although acute inflammation is a protective response, if inflammation becomes chronic, it can be harmful. Chronic inflammation underlies chronic diseases. Therefore, it is essential to consume food that has anti-inflammatory functions. Since omega-3s are anti-inflammatory, they may help reduce chronic inflammation.      

           Lastly, omega-3 may also reduce your risk for depression and Alzheimer’s. Some research suggests that omega-3 may help reduce your risk for certain cancers; however, there is not enough evidence to support this yet. To summarize, the chia seed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids and may help reduce inflammation and prevent chronic diseases. CF(Protein)® is a good source of omega-3. 

So what are you waiting for? Start adding omega-3‘s into your diet today. Buy CF(Protein)® for a convenient and on the go dose of omega-3.

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Why Do I Need Magnesium?

Most of us know that there are several vitamins and minerals we need to function properly. The major ones we hear about are vitamin C to help when you have a cold, calcium for strong bones, B vitamins for energy, and vitamin D for healthy aging. But what about magnesium? Although not as commonly talked about, this is an essential mineral we need for day to day functioning. 

Magnesium has many roles in the body and plays a major role in maintaining strong bones and a healthy heart. This essential mineral also supports glucose metabolism and plays a vital role in the use of energy-rich compounds. The reason magnesium is so important for healthy bones is because 50-60% of the magnesium in our bodies is found in our bones. This mineral also helps control blood pressure and keeps your heart beat regular. So, if you want a healthy heart and strong bones, make sure to get your daily dose!

How much magnesium do I need and where can I get it?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults 19-51+ years is 400-420 mg daily for men and 310-320 mg for women. If you are pregnant or lactating the RDA increases and you will need about 350-360 mg daily and 310-320 mg respectively.

The following foods are naturally good sources:

  • Almonds, peanuts, cashews
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Peanut butter
  • Beans (black, kidney)
  • Soybeans, soymilk
  • Cooked spinach, Swiss chard
  • White potato with skin
  • Brown rice
  • Oatmeal (instant, whole oats)
  • Salmon
  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Banana
  • Raisins
  • Dark chocolate (at least 70%)
  • Milk, yogurt

What happens if I am deficient?

Although this mineral is found in a variety of foods, research shows that most Americans still don’t meet the RDA. The good news is- most of the time, a slight deficiency won’t cause symptoms. However, certain factors may put you at risk of developing signs of deficiency. These include-malabsorption, long term alcohol abuse, diabetes, and old age.  The most common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache, anorexia, muscle weakness, spasm, and terrors, cardiovascular and neuromuscular dysfunction.

Supplementation may help alleviate certain symptoms if you are showing signs of deficiency. Low serum levels are also associated with Alzheimer. Supplements have been shown to help alleviate migraine headaches and sometimes a slight reduction in blood pressure. 

When do I need more magnesium?

 Exercise may deplete magnesium, and the ability to perform physical work is sometimes compromised. The immune function may also temporarily suffer during bouts of prolonged exercise or excessive training. Sometimes, this can lead to infection. Replacing magnesium is crucial after prolonged exercise. One easy way to replenish during and after exercise is with CF(Rehydrate)® IMMUNITY+.  CF(Rehydrate)® IMMUNITY+ has 15% of the daily value of magnesium per 16 oz serving.

Do CF Nutrition products have magnesium?


There is 15% of the DV of Magnesium in one 16oz  serving of CF(Rehydrate)® IMMUNITY+, 6% of the DV in one 12oz serving of CF(Rehydrate)®, and 6% of the DV in one 8z serving of CF(Protein)®.

So next time you have a strenuous workout or need some extra magnesium, grab one of our products to help you meet the RDA!

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Top 5 Grocery Shopping Tips from a Registered Dietitian

Grocery shopping can be a difficult task, especially if you don’t know exactly what you should be shopping for. Today we break down our top 5 tips on how to grocery shop smart.  We want you to feel prepared next time you hit the supermarket.

Tip 1: Don’t go grocery shopping hungry

Going to the grocery store on an empty stomach can be dangerous. More often than not, grocery shopping on an empty stomach will lead you to buy much more than you need. When we are hungry we tend to pick out things that sound good at the moment. This may lead us to choose items that are a quick fix for hunger like processed snacks. Next time you head to the store, take the time to make sure you have eaten a proper meal or snack beforehand to eliminate excessive purchases. 

Tip 2: Look at the back for the nutrition facts

I am going to let you in on a little secret, the front of a food item is not necessarily the best thing to look at when deciding which product or brand to purchase. Brands use the front of the label to entice you to think their product is better in some way or another. But the front of the food label is not the best place to look for factual information. Some of the sayings on the front of the label may be somewhat false advertising. For example, a loaf of bread may advertise on the front “100% whole grain”. Then, you turn to the back only to find out that it is enriched with whole wheat and may not provide the benefits of a true whole grain. 

We recommend you look at the back of the label for the nutrition facts label. The nutrition facts label is strictly regulated by the FDA and required to provide certain information to the customer. There is no way to trick the consumer on the nutrition facts label and you can clearly see what is in the product you are purchasing. This is the best way to see added sugars, healthy fats, fiber, protein and more!

Tip 3: Buy fresh and frozen fruit and meat when you are grocery shopping

We all know how difficult it is to keep fresh fruit from going bad before we have the chance to eat it. It is devastating to have to throw away fruit that goes moldy. This doesn’t mean you should buy less of it because you can’t finish it in time. Fruit is essential to consume 2-3 a day. With that said, we know it seems inconvenient  to make more than one trip to the grocery store in a week. Today we will let you in on a solution.

One way to save yourself having to back multiple trips to the grocery store is to stock up on both fresh and frozen fruits. Frozen fruit is just as nutritious as fresh fruit. Frozen fruit is picked at peak of ripeness and then flash-frozen to preserve optimal nutrition. They last for several months in the freezer. So buy as much fresh fruit that you know you can consume before it goes bad. Then, stock up on frozen fruit from there. I always try to keep frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, and frozen mangos in my fridge for when I run out of fresh fruit. Frozen blueberries are great for adding to your oatmeal and frozen mangoes and strawberries are delicious for smoothies.

What about meat?

Just like fresh fruit, fresh or raw meat is another item that might be difficult to consume before it goes bad. Especially since raw meat can’t be kept for too long in the fridge before it is no longer safe to eat. One way to fix this problem is to plan ahead before your next trip to the store. Make a list of how many times you are going to need raw meat for your lunches and dinners and don’t overbuy. If you plan to make salmon on Monday, chicken on Wednesday, and ground turkey on Friday, stick to just buying enough to make those 3 meals. Then, stock your freezer with frozen meat and fish in case you decide to cook meat again that week. This will eliminate food waste and ensure you aren’t buying more than you can cook. 

Tip 4: Buy local and in-season produce

The best products to buy are local and in-season. Although it is easy to consume the same fruits and vegetables that we are used to year-round, you are truly doing yourself a disservice by not consuming seasonal foods. At CF Nutrition, we encourage you to educate yourself on seasonal foods to improve your health and get the tastiest and freshest produce available.  As an added bonus, buying fruits and vegetables that are in season will be the more affordable option. Not only that, buying fruits and vegetables in season is going to have more nutritional value. Eating the same 3 fruits and vegetables every day is a common trait for many people, but all fruits and vegetables have different nutritional compositions and have different vitamins and minerals. To get all the nutrients we need, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is crucial.

Tip 5: Avoid foods with artificial ingredients

The ingredient list on some items at the store can get quite long and confusing. So in addition to reading the nutrition fact label for calories, macronutrients and sugar, make sure you look at the ingredient list. The FDA also regulates the ingredient list. The ingredient list is structured so that the item that has the largest amount is listed first and then in descending order after that. So if you see sugar listed as the last ingredient that is much better than if you see it listed first. 

Our biggest tip for reading the nutrition label is to try to purchase foods where you can actually read all of the ingredients. More often than not, the fewer ingredients the better. So look for items with a short and simple list. 

All of CF Nutrition’s products are free from artificial and synthetic ingredients. We pride ourselves on using ingredients that you as the consumer will be proud to put into your body. Our ingredient list has everything your body needs and nothing it doesn’t. 

Now you have all the tips and tricks you need for your next grocery shopping trip. And don’t forget to check out our blog for more health and wellness tips.

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Are CF Nutrition Products Meant for Weight Loss?

It’s no big secret that many of us strive to achieve weight loss—and finding the right approach to achieving a healthy weight can be difficult. Unfortunately, many diets available restrict proportions of fats, carbohydrates, or calories. This can make them very unsustainable and sometimes, more harmful than helpful to our health. Most of the time, restrictive diets lead to deprivation, guilt, giving in, and returning to original patterns and weight—which leaves you feeling discouraged and upset. 

Today on the blog, we break down how incorporating some of CF Nutrition’s products can help you achieve weight loss when paired with a balanced diet and consistent exercise. Because, the truth is, it is best to achieve weight loss by providing your body with all the nutrients it needs to feel energized to take on daily tasks. Although not designed for weight loss, CF Nutrition’s products contain healthy fats, vitamins, antioxidants, plant-based protein, and hydration to adequately nourish and replenish your body. 

How might CF Nutrition’s products help me lose weight?

      Swapping out high-calorie products with lower-calorie options is one way to achieve a caloric deficit—which in turn, leads to weight loss. In America, liquid calories make up a large portion of daily caloric intake for a lot of people. From your favorite morning coffee to your glass of wine at night, liquid calories tend to add up, leading to weight gain. Switching to lower calorie options (that are beneficial to your health) may help you lose weight. CF Nutrition products range from 40 to 200 calories per serving. Not only that, they are actually beneficial to your health, rather than just providing “empty calories”.

Here is a breakdown of the benefits that few of our products can provide.

  • At just 40 calories per serving, CF(Rehydrate)® efficiently hydrates your body by rapidly replenishing electrolytes, especially after working out or being in the heat.
  • CF(Rehydrate)®Immunity+, just 60 calories per 16 ounces serving, has all the benefits of CF(Rehydrate)® plus an additional dose of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Zinc to help support your immune system.
  • CF(Protein)® has 200 calories per bottle but it is packed with 13 grams of fiber, omega 3’s, and 13 grams of plant protein which will help you meet your protein needs, keep your heart healthy, and allow you to feel full longer. And let’s be real – this is still less than that delicious latte you consume each morning.

Another factor that may prevent weight loss is consuming too much added sugars. Excess consumption of added sugars is a significant factor that can eventually lead to obesity and diabetes. Ensuring you are limiting your added sugars is crucial to your weight loss journey. All of CF Nutrition’s products contain 0-4 grams of added sugar. So, when you feel thirsty for something other than water, try one of CF Nutrition’s products to quench your thirst without packing on the pounds. Swapping out your typical drink filled with sugar and calories with CF(Rehydrate)® or CF(Rehydrate)®Immunity+  will help you in your weight loss journey. 

Can increasing my protein intake help with weight loss?

Ensuring you are meeting your protein needs is another factor that can help you achieve a healthy weight. CF(Protein)® contains 13 grams of pea protein and no added sugar. Consuming a clean plant-based protein drink like CF(Protein)® may help you lose weight when combined with a nutritious eating pattern and a consistent exercise routine. Research shows that a high protein diet might promote healthy eating patterns and promote weight loss and fat loss. To put CF(Protein)®  to the test, we conducted a research study that involved participants drinking one CF(Protein)® a day for 6 weeks. Those who consumed one bottle per day improved overall body composition by reducing percent body fat, losing weight, and improving BMI. So, it’s safe to say CF(Protein)® can definitely help you achieve your weight loss goals. 

4 ways to eat healthily and how CF Nutrition products help you achieve these habits?

Here are our 4 main tips to promote weight loss without deprivation:

  1. ​Stay hydrated
  2. Eat healthy fats
  3. Choose clean protein 
  4. Choose less added sugar

With CF Nutrition’s products, you can easily incorporate all 4 of these habits into your day. Drinking CF(Rehydrate)®Immunity+ and CF(Rehydrate)® will provide your body with the electrolytes you need without the harmful additives found in other hydration products. Both CF(Rehydrate)®Immunity+ and CF(Rehydrate)® can help prevent dehydration and provide efficient recovery. CF(Protein)® contains healthy fats with chia seed oil and 13g of plant-based protein. All of CF Nutrition’s products are low in added sugar, unlike many of our competitors.  

How can I incorporate CF Nutrition’s products into my day to help with weight loss?

​ CF nutrition’s products are full of vitamins, minerals, medical-grade nutrition, omega 3’s, plant-based protein, and more. Consuming CF Nutrition’s products combined with well-balanced meals and physical activity will help promote your weight loss. Instead of grabbing a sugar-sweetened beverage after a workout, try one of CF Nutrition’s products to help nourish your body. Our products are low-calorie and every ingredient provides your body with some sort of benefit. CF Nutrition’s products contain the ideal ingredients to help you feel your best without the harmful additives in traditional sports drinks. 

Now that you know CF Nutrition’s products can help you achieve a healthy lifestyle, what are you waiting for? Order today to start feeling your best!

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Eating for Two? Nutrition During Pregnancy Broken Down

Are you pregnant or trying to become pregnant? If the answer is yes….. we have you covered on the ins and outs of what to eat throughout your pregnancy. We know how much there is to worry about when you’re pregnant and we are here to help you navigate the do’s and don’ts of nutrition during this very special time. 

Foods to Avoid

While pregnant, it is important to avoid certain foods that may cause harm to the fetus. Here we break down what foods to limit and avoid during pregnancy. 

  • Caffeine (one 8oz cup per day may be okay)
  • Alcohol
  • Raw or uncooked meats, seafood, and eggs
  • Fish with high mercury levels (like canned tuna, shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish)
  • Soft cheeses like blue, feta, and brie
  • Unpasteurized apple cider and juices
  • Hot dogs and deli meats
  • Tobacco and illicit drugs 

What Should I Focus on?

Eating too little of the right foods can also pose a risk for your baby. What you eat while pregnant is the foundation on which your baby is built. Here are tips on how to ensure you are fueling yourself and your baby in the best way possible.

  • A healthy well-balanced diet with lots of variety 
  • 12, 8 ounce cups of water
  • Calcium, Iron, Folic Acid, and Fiber
  • Extra calories should be from nutritious foods
  • At least 3 cups of low-fat or fat-free dairy foods for calcium and Vitamin D
  • 3 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruit a day
  • At least 5-6 ounces of protein per meal
  • At least 2-7 ounces of grains (aim for whole grain)
  • Safe food handling
    • Limit cross-contamination
    • Wash hands thoroughly
    • Chill perishable food immediately
    • Cook meats to a proper internal temperature  
  • Omega 3’s, like CF(Protein)®
    • CF(Protein)® uses chia seed oil as a source of omega 3 that will benefit you and your baby during and after pregnancy

Nutrition During Each Trimester

Just because you are pregnant does not mean you actually need to double your calories to effectively, “eat for two”. While we understand cravings and indulging at times, it is important to not eat too much during pregnancy. Listen to your doctor on how much weight gain is healthy during your pregnancy. Typically, ~20-35LB is considered healthy weight gain during pregnancy but everyone’s a little different. 

If you are a healthy weight before becoming pregnant, you do not need to consume many extra calories during the 1st trimester. Aim for ~100 extra calories per day from nutritious sources. 

During your second and third trimesters, you should aim to consume ~300 additional calories per day. However, these foods should come from nutrition-dense foods like nuts, avocado, whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. It is important to fuel your body in the best way possible while pregnant. 

Nutrition While Breastfeeding

We understand that breastfeeding may not be an option for everyone, however, there is a benefit to breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding, it is important to consume ~350 additional calories each day. Again, these calories must be from nutritious sources. 

Now you have all the information you need to nourish yourself and your baby through the entirety of your pregnancy. Don’t forget to purchase CF(Protein)® or CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ for hydration and fuel for you and your little one. And remember to check the blog for more information on staying healthy. 

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How to Avoid Dehydration When Exercising

Ever start to feel dizzy or lightheaded during a workout? Or, do you ever feel like you don’t have enough energy to do your best in a big game or competition? If so, these might be caused by dehydration.

Dehydration can hinder both performance and recovery so hydration should be a top priority before, during, and after exercising. Not only that, dehydration can lead to serious complications if untreated, especially in the heat. Today, we break down how to recognize dehydration and help you understand when and what to drink before, during, and after exercise to avoid dehydration and achieve optimal performance and recovery. Because who doesn’t want to feel their best while exercising?

What is dehydration?

Dehydration during exercise occurs when the fluid we lose from sweat is greater than the fluid we consume. Dehydration can occur if you lose even 3% of your body weight from water depletion. Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you plan to work out, and not wait until you feel thirsty to consume fluid.

Signs of Dehydration:

Dehydration normally occurs before you even realize your symptoms. But, if you experience any of the following after exercising, it likely means you need to be drinking more fluids. 

  • Dry mouth and tongue
  •  Thirst
  •  Headache
  •  Lethargy
  •  Dry skin
  •  Muscle weakness
  •  Dizziness

How to adequately hydrate before and during exercise?

The good news is, if you properly hydrate before, during, and after exercise, you can avoid dehydration. Here are some tips and tricks on how to stay hydrated:

  1. Hydrate 2-3 hours before exercise with 17-20oz of water 
  2. Top off hydration and electrolytes an hour before a sporting event or long workout with 7-10oz of an electrolyte drink – like CF(Rehydrate)
  3. Consume 7-10oz of fluid every 15 mins during exercise 
  4. If you exercise for longer than 90 minutes, electrolyte replacement becomes crucial, consume CF(Rehydrate) to replace the electrolytes lost during exercise

How do I hydrate after exercising?

Replenishing lost fluid and electrolytes is a crucial component of recovery and especially critical in the 90 minutes after exercise.  CF(Rehydrate)  is the best product out there to adequately replenish fluid and electrolytes. It has everything your body needs, and nothing it doesn’t. 

But why isn’t water enough? When you exercise, especially for a long period, replacing the potassium and sodium you lose through sweat is essential. Potassium losses through normal bodily functions, like sweating, must be replaced by the foods and beverages we consume. Considering potassium’s important role in maintaining cell water balance, it is a good idea to combine water and potassium (and sodium) to maintain a sustainable environment for our cells. CF(Rehydrate)® provides a concentrated source of sodium and potassium with filtered water to take the guesswork out of hydration. Now that you know CF(Rehydrate) is the superior way to hydrate, replace electrolytes, and avoid dehydration, what are you waiting for? Shop CF(Rehydrate) here! And don’t forget, if you subscribe, you save!

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Why Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Lifestyle

Have you ever heard your doctor discuss anti-inflammatory foods or suggest an anti-inflammatory diet? Or (more likely), have you been prescribed medications to reduce inflammation when you are injured or sick? Well, this is because prolonged inflammation can cause damage to our bodies. Although inflammation is a natural and protective response from our bodies (think when you sprain your ankle and it begins to swell), if inflammation becomes chronic, illness and diseases may develop. Fortunately, there are lifestyle choices we can make to reduce chronic inflammation and protect ourselves from developing chronic diseases. Today we break down how to follow an anti-inflammatory diet and discuss other lifestyle habits to reduce inflammation and in turn, reduce the risk for developing chronic disease down the road.

What is the difference between acute and chronic inflammation?

Acute inflammation occurs when our body tries to protect itself from injuries or illness (think swollen ankle). When there is an infection or damage to your body, inflammation is the body’s natural response. Acute inflammation is natural and essential and is simply a protective response involving host cells, blood vessels, and proteins. 

The goal of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, remove necrotic cells and tissues, and initiate repair. Although acute inflammation is a protective response, if inflammation becomes chronic, it can be harmful. Chronic inflammation underlies chronic diseases. Therefore, it is essential to consume food that has anti-inflammatory functions and create habits that help you live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

How Do I Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

The way we eat is linked to inflammation and it is estimated that about 60% of chronic diseases can be prevented by the way we eat. This is because some foods promote inflammation in our bodies while others fight inflammation. To help you understand how to avoid pro-inflammatory foods and increase anti-inflammatory foods, here is the breakdown on how to follow an anti-inflammatory diet.

Foods to Limit:

  • Trans Fat
    • Fried food, baked goods, highly processed snacks
  • Packaged Snacks
  • Refined Oils
    • Soybean, corn, sunflower, grapeseed
  • Sugars and Simple Carbohydrates
    • White bread, bagels, fruit juice, added sugar in candies and beverages
  • Processed foods
    • Lunch/deli meats, hot dogs, bacon, sausage
  • Alcohol 

Foods to Eat:

  • Fruit and Vegetables
    • Antioxidants that protect our cells and bodies 
  • Monounsaturated Fats
    • Olive oil, avocado, nuts, and nut butter
  • Omega 3’s 
    • Fatty fish, fish oil, whole grains, green veggies, walnuts, chia seeds
  • Herbs and spices
    • Paprika, Turmeric, Ginger, Tea, Cinnamon 
  • Fiber
    • Legumes, Whole Grains, Nuts, Fruits and Veggies 

What anti-inflammatory ingredients are in CF Nutrition Products?

At CF Nutrition, our goal is to set you up with products that make you feel great and fuel your body in the best way possible. We strive to use the most premium ingredients that actually have a purpose so each product is carefully formulated and beneficial to consume. Here we highlight the anti-inflammatory ingredients in some of our products.

  • Turmeric in CF(Protein)®
    • There is 0.3g of turmeric in one bottle of CF(Protein)®. Turmeric contains a powerful active component called curcumin. Curcumin gives turmeric its bright yellow hue and is in other spices like cinnamon. Although research is ongoing, studies have demonstrated turmeric’s powerful ability to reduce painful inflammation throughout the body. 
  • Chia Seed Oil in CF(Protein)®
    • Chia seed oil is high in omega 3 fatty acids and helps reduce inflammation. There are 5 grams of chia seed oil in CF(Protein)®. Omega 3 deficiency may cause prolonged inflammatory response, and several Americans do not get enough Omega 3 in their diet. By drinking CF(Protein)®, you can help meet the recommended amount of omega 3. 
  • The antioxidants in CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ and CF(Preop)®
    • ​​In one 12 oz serving of CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+, there is 25% of the recommended daily values (DV) of Vitamin D and Zinc, 100% of the DV of Vitamin C, 20% of the DV of Selenium, 15% of the DV of Phosphorus, 4% of the DV of potassium, and 10% of the DV of Magnesium. CF(Preop)® contains 45% DV of Zinc, 50% DV of Vitamin A, 20% DV of Selenium, and 2%DV of Potassium. These vitamins and minerals help prevent inflammation in our bodies by reducing oxidative stress. 

What are other lifestyle choices to reduce inflammation?

Diet is one of the main factors that causes inflammation but there are several other ways to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. 

Here are our top tips:

  • Stop smoking
  • Limit or Avoid Alcohol
  • Reducing and Managing Stress
  • Getting Enough Sleep
  • Maintaining a Healthy Weight
  • Be Physically Active
  • Do things you love with people who make you happy

​Fueling your body with anti-inflammatory foods will help you stay healthy and prevent inflammation that leads to chronic disease as you age. CF Nutrition products are carefully formulated with premium ingredients that help fight inflammation. So what are you waiting for? Start living an anti-inflammatory life today!

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Everything You Need to Know About Gluten

In today’s society, gluten-free diets have gained popularity but confusion has sparked around gluten being an “evil” or “unhealthy” food. The fact is, some people who avoid gluten may not even understand what gluten is or why they are following a gluten-free diet in the first place. Today, we break down what gluten is and who should consider following a gluten-free diet. 

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley that acts like glue in foods and helps certain foods maintain their shape. Gluten naturally occurs in some products but can also be added as a binding agent in processed foods to help give them shape.

What foods have gluten?

Three main food groups contain gluten- wheat, barley, and rye. To follow a gluten-free diet, it is important to avoid all foods that contain these ingredients.

Wheat is commonly found in bread, baked goods, soups, pasta, cereals, sauces, and some salad dressings. Barley is found in malt, food coloring, soups, beer, and brewer’s yeast. Rye is found in rye bread, rye beer, and cereals. Unless specified as gluten-free, most pasta, bread, crackers, and baked goods contain gluten. 

What Carbohydrates Do Not Contain Gluten?

A gluten-free diet does not mean you have to be without carbohydrates. There are plenty of carbohydrates that do not contain gluten and are suitable for those who cannot tolerate gluten. 

Naturally, gluten-free foods include:

  • Amaranth
  • Arrowroot
  • Beans
  • Buckwheat
  • Cassava
  • Chia
  • Corn
  • Flax
  • Most oats
  • Nut flours
  • Potato
  • Quinoa
  • Rice
  • Soy
  • Tapioca

Additionally, there are gluten-free options available in restaurants and stores. If you are eating at a restaurant, ask about a gluten-free menu. 

Why do people follow a gluten-free diet?

There are several reasons people follow a gluten-free diet. Some people have a medical diagnosis that requires a strict gluten-free diet, while others may just find that eating gluten causes discomfort. Additionally, some people follow a gluten-free diet because they consider it to be a “healthier” choice. 

Those that are medically required to maintain a gluten-free diet are those with celiac disease. In the human body, there are digestive enzymes that break down food. The enzyme protease helps our body break down proteins, although protease cannot break down gluten completely and undigested gluten travels to the small intestine. Most people can handle undigested gluten, but celiacs cannot. In this case, gluten triggers an autoimmune reaction and unpleasant symptoms. These symptoms may include: abdominal pain, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bloating fatigue, skin rash, and weight loss. 

Celiac disease is a hereditary autoimmune disease that results in damage to the villi (small fingerlike projections that line the small intestine, that promote nutrient absorption) when gluten passes through the intestines. When damage to the villi occurs, nutrients are absorbed incorrectly. Those with the celiac gene can develop the disease at any age. The only known treatment for celiac disease is to follow a strict gluten-free diet as there is no cure. 

A gluten-free diet may also be right for you if you have an allergy or intolerance to gluten or wheat, or if you feel you have symptoms after consuming foods with gluten. These symptoms may include bloating, diarrhea, or gas, among other gastrointestinal issues. 

Should I try a gluten-free diet?

The truth is, if your body can break down gluten without any symptoms, then following a gluten-free diet does not really serve a purpose. If you are part of the normal population that is able to digest and break down gluten without experiencing symptoms, then switching from regular pizza crust to gluten-free pizza crust is not necessarily “healthier”.  Many whole-grain products that provide protein and fiber contain gluten and are actually beneficial to your health. If you eat foods with gluten and do not experience any gastrointestinal issues, you probably do not need to follow a gluten-free diet. 

With that being said, if you feel you may have a gluten intolerance, allergy, or potentially celiac disease, it is best to consult your doctor. Your doctor may recommend a blood test to detect elevated levels of certain antibodies present in celiacs that are consuming gluten. If it is determined that you do not have celiac disease, a gluten elimination diet should be able to help you determine your level of gluten sensitivity, or help you narrow down another culprit to any gastrointestinal problems. 

Tips and Tricks When Following a Gluten-Free Diet

Following a gluten-free diet requires effort when shopping and preparing meals; however, you can still enjoy delicious meals and snacks. One of the most important aspects of following a gluten-free diet is checking food labels and ingredient lists for any mention of wheat, barley, and rye. There are plenty of gluten-free options available and most of the time the food label will specify that it is gluten-free. When looking at sauces and snacks, it is crucial to look for a gluten-free symbol and/or check the ingredient list carefully.

There are also several naturally gluten-free foods that you can still enjoy including fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, cheese, and eggs. Another tip is to fill up on gluten-free grains like quinoa, amaranth, corn, and rice. Explore in the kitchen by looking up gluten-free versions of your favorite sauces and dishes. When at a restaurant, ask your server if they have a gluten-free menu or if they have any gluten-free options. If you struggle with following this diet, consult a dietitian for specific recommendations.

Do CF Nutrition’s Products Contain Gluten?

CF Nutrition products do not contain gluten. All CF Nutrition products are gluten-free and suitable for patients with celiac disease. You can order CF (Preop)®, CF(Rehydrate)®, CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+, and CF (Protein)® here. As always, don’t forget to browse the rest of the CF Nutrition blog for empowering health, wellness, and lifestyle tips. 

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Introducing CF Nutrition Athlete & Professional Golfer, Sierra Brooks!

We’re so excited to announce our newest CF Nutrition brand partner, Pro Golfer Sierra Brooks. Sierra turned pro in 2019, played in two LPGA events in 2020, and will play full-time on the 2021 Symetra Tour this year. Her favorite part of her job is getting to consistently work at becoming the best athlete and person she can be—and she hopes to inspire the next generation as a relatable role model along the way. As a health-conscious athlete who understands the powerful role nutrition plays in fueling her performance on the course, Sierra is excited to partner with a team that formulates honest, natural products she believes in.

From her favorite ways to mentally recharge off the course—to the thing she always keeps in mind when scrolling through social media—read our full interview with Sierra below to gain behind-the-scenes insight into her inspiring journey.

For those who don’t know you, can you introduce yourself and just tell us a little bit about who you are and what you get to do for a living?

My name’s Sierra Brooks. I’m 22 years old, from Orlando, Florida—born and raised in Florida. I went to UF and played college golf there, and I turned professional last year. This is really going to be my first full season getting to play the Symetra tour, so I’m just really excited to start this journey into my professional career.

Now being a professional athlete is no easy job, and you’ve spoken about how you’re a believer in ‘getting what you work for’. Can you talk a little bit about the work and dedication you’ve put into getting where you are and where you hope to see it take you?

I’m a believer that hard and smart work pays off and, no matter your profession, reaching that highest level takes a lot of sacrifice and determination. That’s one of the parts I love the most about what I do is getting to work towards my dreams and goals—being the best golfer and person that I can be—and along the way, I’d like to be able to inspire the next generation and be a good role model in my sport. That’s really what it’s all about for me.

You’ve talked about the importance of staying both mentally and physically ‘charged’ when you’re out on the course. What are some daily practices/routines you’ve adopted to keep that mental and physical sharpness when competing?

It’s definitely been a learning process for me since I’ve turned pro. Being able to perform at my highest level does mean being physically and mentally charged. Mentally, I’ve found that finding an outlet outside of golf—in the gym, cooking, or even just getting out my sketchbook and drawing—has been a thing that settles the thoughts and lets me escape that world. And physically, that’s been fitness and nutrition. Especially turning pro, you’re competing week in and week out and you’re not able to be at the gym as much as you would during off-season. Being on top of my nutrition and staying healthy, fueled to perform—that’s been one of the key components for me.

Speaking of physical sharpness and maintaining mental health, what role has nutrition played in your life, both as an athlete and as a young woman? 

It’s been a lot of trial-and-error. I started that nutrition aspect of my life in high school, figuring out what I need to be fueled to perform and give the energy to my body that it needs to last me week in and week out. As an athlete, it plays such an important role in our life. Since we’re constantly playing, working our bodies, we need to replenish with the right nutrients and feel good about what we’re putting into our bodies. 

But also as a young female, with this generation of social media and the stereotypes that are placed on us as females, at times it’s been more difficult for me to follow the plan that was best for me as an athlete. Scrolling through social media, I’d see the perfect bodies and things that were unrealistic for me to achieve performance. So now I just take that with a grain of salt, understanding what I need to perform. I stick with my nutrition routine and I’m focused on the things that I know feel good and continue to give me the energy to last, stay strong, and feel well out there.

What’s your take on the current nutrition landscape in professional sports? Oftentimes we see some pretty interesting partnerships promoting questionable products- all in the name of maximizing performance. What do you look for in a nutrition label or product to ensure you’re getting your body the best fuel it needs?

It’s crazy, right? Labels can be very misleading. It’s been hard for me over the years to find products that are giving me the right protein and electrolytes that don’t have all these chemicals and additives in them. So I’ve steered away from those ingredients that, really, I don’t even know what they are on the label. And I think that’s why I’m so excited to partner with CF Nutrition because you guys offer natural products, with all the ingredients that are good for you. You know, what you see is what you get and I know that what I’m putting into my body, I’m going to get out of it. It’s a really exciting thing for me, especially with the importance I place on health. To be representing a healthy product is huge.

As we kind of touched on before, professional athletes generally adhere to a certain practice regime or routine in their lives to set them up for success on their playing field. Can you talk a little bit about why you’ve chosen to partner with CF Nutrition and how CF(Rehydrate)® fits into some of those routines you have?

I’m so excited that I have the opportunity to represent CF Nutrition—it just creates incredible natural products that I believe in and with CF(Rehydrate)®, it’s already become an important part of my daily routine on and off the course. For me, the biggest component of being mentally and physically ready is hydration. It’s definitely the main point to have me feeling at my best and highest level of performance.

And finally, you’ve gotten to test and try the product. We’re of course curious to find out if you have a favorite flavor- but also equally as curious to find out what you like about CF(Rehydrate)®. What makes this product different from say Gatorade® or some of these other common rehydration beverages in sports and why is that important to you? 

It’s a toss up between Kiwi Strawberry and Aloha Blend—I’m going through them like you wouldn’t believe… I might be replacing water a little bit too much! Last year actually, during my season I was experiencing dizziness and blurry vision on the course midway through my rounds. And I realized, through trying different things, it was from not being hydrated. It was crazy. I would never have thought—I was about to go to an eye doctor! I thought I needed prescription glasses or something. The ball was literally fuzzy. But my parents we’re just like, “You need electrolytes,” and, you know, that ended up being it.

It was tough for me to find something that I felt like was good for me that gave me that hydration on the course. You know you don’t really realize it—I thought I was drinking enough water, but I also needed electrolytes and sodium with it. And with Gatorade® and whatnot, it’s misleading… there’s just so many chemicals, you don’t know what it’s doing. For me, at least, taking in something that’s natural, I feel confident out there on the course that I’m healthy and maintaining myself at a place to perform. CF(Rehydrate)® really gives me what I need and look for out of a drink, especially with the problems that I’ve had. Trying it and testing it out, I already feel, first of all hydrated, but I also have the sharpness, energy, and focus that I need out there.

Well, thank you so much for taking the time to chat with us. We’re really excited to see the tour begin and you out there on the course. Any final thoughts or words of advice to women navigating both performance nutrition or just nutritional demands in general, especially as it pertains to becoming a pro athlete?

My advice would be to find and figure out what works for you. Know your routine. And with that—know what you’re putting into your body. For me, knowing the nutrition that I’m taking in, I’m able to feel confident in my lifestyle and my body to last week in and week out. And I think that’s the biggest confidence boost you can give yourself whether you know it or not—to feel healthy and like you’re nourishing your body in the right way. And with that as well, owning your routine and knowing everyone is different. There’s not one that’s perfect but the sooner you become in tune with yourself and your body, the better off you’re going to be. And you’ll be able to be happy and enjoy the process of the journey.

Shop Sierra’s favorite CF(Rehydrate)® flavors today and experience the power of clean, natural, lasting hydration.

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CF Nutrition Reciepes For Boosting Immunity

Ready or not, here it comes! Whether you were hoping for an endless summer or have already started counting the days until Christmas, school is back in session! Kids are packing up their backpacks and hitting the books, gearing up for a whole new type of school year. This year may be a little different, and regardless of whether your kids are back in a real classroom or schooling from the living room, mealtime will feel a little different this year. Fueling yourself and your family with immune-boosting foods will help increase energy and performance levels all year long. If you are confused about how to include immune-boosting foods in your meals, have no fear, Clearfast has you covered! Today, we’re offering up immune-boosting meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that pack immune-boosting and nutrient-dense ingredients you need to keep everyone feeling their best. 

Immune-Boosting Breakfast Ideas:

Overnight oats:

Overnight oats are a quick and easy breakfast option that your kids will love. It’ll keep everyone satisfied for hours because it is full of fiber. It’s easy to add fruit which will provide a boost of antioxidants and immunity. You can make this immune-boosting recipe it the night before so it’s ready to enjoy when you wake up.

My favorite: Banana Nutzo Overnight Oats

This is the immune-boosting recipe that I find the tastiest but there are TONS of ways to mix it up by trying out different fruits, nut butter, nuts, and more. I encourage you to vary it up and use a variety of different fruits if you are eating this every day. Adding Greek yogurt gives this meal some extra protein and probiotics which helps with gut health. Instead of nut butter, you can use sliced or chopped walnuts, pecans, or almonds. I encourage you to get your kids involved in prepping the overnight oats with you so they can get a feel for using healthy foods in fun and innovative ways! 

  • 1/2 cups of quick oats
  • 1/2 cup of almond milk (or whatever milk you prefer)
  • 1/2 of a banana (sliced)
  • Cinnamon
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of nutzo
  • *optional: 1/4 cup of Greek yogurt

Mix all the ingredients in a cup or mason jar. Place in the fridge the night before and enjoy in the morning. 

Healthy, high protein smoothie: 

Smoothies are a delicious way to get in some immune-boosting foods, especially for those picky eaters who don’t love eating their fruits and veggies. There are tons of delicious ways to make your smoothies. Blueberries, lemons, oranges, spinach, kiwi, turmeric, and yogurt are all excellent ingredients to add to your smoothies to help boost your immunity.

My favorite: Blueberry peanut butter smoothie

This is a great recipe for a high protein, immune-boosting smoothie that tastes delicious. The Greek yogurt and nut butter offer a serious one-two-punch of protein. The nut butter also gives you some healthy fats that are crucial to your diet. Blueberries are a great way to boost your immunity because they are a powerful antioxidant. If you want to kickup your smoothie one more notch, add a cup of spinach to get in a serving of veggies. *Note, sometimes spinach can be a turn off for kids but if your little one is keen on some green, I highly recommend adding spinach to this recipe. 

  • 1 cup of blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1.5 cups of  milk (I like almond but any milk works)
  • 2 tablespoons of nut butter (I prefer peanut or almond butter)
  • 2/3 cup of Greek yogurt (plain)
  • Cinnamon 

Blend ingredients together and enjoy. This recipe will make about 2 servings. 

Immune-Boosting Lunch:

Whether your kid is at home with you or off at school, it’ss crucial to have a satisfying and filling lunch prepared to ensure they have enough energy to power  them through the rest of the day. 

My favorite: Veggie Hummus Wrap

This is a great immune-boosting, plant-based meal option that’s super easy to prep. It’s an excellent way to get a few servings of vegetables in, which will help boost immunity. The hummus and cheese provide protein and the whole grain tortilla is a complex carb that will keep you and your child’s brain happy and ready to learn. 

  • Whole grain tortilla (aim for >3g of fiber)
  • 2 tablespoons of hummus
  • Cheese (whichever kind you and your family prefer)
  • Fill with your child’s favorite vegetables (aim for 2-3 servings) I think spinach, red peppers, and tomatoes is the tastiest combo. 

Immune-Boosting Dinner:

Easy Sheet Pan Meals 

If you are looking for quick and healthy immune-boosting meals for dinner with limited prep, sheet pan meals are just for you. You can mix up the type of protein you use (chicken, salmon, tilapia, pork) as well as the carbohydrate and the veggies. Aim to serve at least 1-2 servings of vegetables at dinner time, this will help boost the whole family’s immunity. 

My favorite: Salmon, Brussel Sprouts, and Sweet potatoes

  • Salmon fillet (4 oz per person)
  • Brussels sprouts (1 cup per person)
  • Sweet potatoes (1 small per person)
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Lemon
  • Garlic 

This is simple but delicious. The steps are easy. 

  1. Preheat oven to 425 ˚F.
  2. Wash and dry sweet potatoes. Cut into 1/2-inch cubes or 1-inch fry like pieces. (No need to peel, the potatoes peel is packed with nutrients).
  3. Coat potatoes with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place on foil-covered sheet pan. Make sure to spray your pan. 
  4. Cook for 15 minutes. While potatoes cook, wash brussels sprouts and cut them in half. Season with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, salt, and pepper. 
  5. Once potatoes have cooked 15 minutes, lay Brussel sprouts on sheet pan with potatoes. If you don’t have room, you can use two sheet pans. Cook for 10 more minutes.
  6. While potatoes and brussels sprouts cook, season your salmon with minced garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. 
  7. Next, take Brussel sprouts and potatoes out of the oven. Place your seasoned salmon fillet on pan with potatoes and brussels sprouts. Place sheet pan in the oven and cook for 12-15 minutes. 
  8. Let cool, serve, and Enjoy!

*Be careful to only use a small amount of salt when seasoning your items.

We hope you and your littles enjoy these immune-boosting recipes as much as we do!

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