
4 Healthy Summer Additions to Your Daily Routine 

Summertime is officially upon us. That means more barbecues, more time with the family, outdoor eating and gatherings with friends and more! To make the most out of the summer season and all the events that go with it, it is important to make healthy lifestyle choices. Today we share our top 4 healthy summer swaps to have you feeling your very best. 

  1. Add a 15 Minute Walk to Your Daily Routine

Adding in a 15 minute walk to your daily routine is a great way to increase your step count and get moving with the whole family. Engaging in extra physical activity, like a 15 minute walk, 1 or 2 times a day can help increase your overall well being. 

Other forms of unstructured exercise that can benefit you are taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking your car a few blocks away from where you are going. Small changes like these are a great way to rev up your metabolism and boost lean body mass. 

  1. Drink CF(Rehydrate)® Instead of Traditional Sports Drink

CF(Rehydrate)® is a great alternative to other traditional sports drinks that are filled with not so clean ingredients. Did you know that most other sports drinks are filled with >20 grams of added sugars which is close to the recommended daily intake of added sugar. Even the zero calorie options of traditional sports drinks are filled with artificial ingredients that may do more harm than good.

During the summer months, hydration becomes even more important as we are more prone to dehydration with the heat and increased sweat. Replacing electrolytes is essential to recover and stay hydrated. CF(Rehydrate)® is the best way to replenish electrolytes. It contains everything your body needs and nothing it doesn’t. The formulation is backed by science and free from artificial ingredients and added sugars. So do yourself a favor and stock up now for the rest of summer. 

  1. Add Protein To Your Breakfast

Did you know that adding protein to your breakfast can change the entire trajectory of your day. When you add protein to your breakfast, you increase your satiety. This means that you will stay fuller for longer. Additionally, research shows that adding 20 grams of protein to your breakfast can help curb your appetite for the entire day. Evenly distributing your protein throughout the day also helps stabilize your weight. Some great ways to add protein to your breakfast is incorporating eggs, greek yogurt, protein powder, or CF(Protein)®.

  1. Add Omega 3’s To Your Diet 

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to consume for your diet because the body cannot make them. This is why Omega 3 are called essential fatty acids. Omega 3 consumption is essential to a healthy diet and poses many benefits to your health. Omega 3 helps prevent/lower your risk for cardiovascular disease. Omega 3’s are not only good for your heart but also your brain, immune system, skin, and joints.

Adding Omega 3’s into your diet can help you feel better, stay healthy, reduce cholesterol, and have better skin. Some ways to add Omega 3’s into your diet is swapping steak for salmon, snacking on nuts instead of chips, topping your oatmeal with chia seeds, or drinking CF(Protein)®

Now you have 4 amazing additions to your daily routine to make you feel your best this summer! Visit our website for more nutrition tips.

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