Healing Tips Presurgery Nutrition

How to Heal Faster from Surgery: Using ClearFast to get an Edge on Recovery after Cosmetic Surgery

So you’ve made the courageous decision to go under the knife! No matter the type of nip or tuck you’ve opted for, if you’re brave enough to go under anesthesia for elective cosmetic surgery, you’re not alone. In fact, according to a report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 17.1 million cosmetic procedures were performed in the U.S. in 2016 alone, and 46% of cosmetics patients were repeat patients. If you’re one of those repeat patients, chances are you probably want to know how to heal faster from surgery so you can get to that all-exciting reveal that much quicker! Well, not to fear cosmetic gurus—we’ve got you covered. Today on the blog, we’re breaking down: 


  • How drinking ClearFast makes for an easier surgery prep process
  • How drinking ClearFast helps you heal faster from surgery, including: 
    • Reducing your risk of post-op infection
    • Reducing your risk of post-op nausea and vomiting


Now, let’s dig in…


How drinking ClearFast makes for easier surgery prep:

In recent years, more and more medical research has pointed to the fact that going under anesthesia starved and dehydrated is an unnecessary evil of the surgery prep process. Because of this, doctors and hospitals across the U.S. are now doing away with the old-school “fasting from midnight” instructions and, instead, recommending patients drink a clear, complex carb-rich beverage like the ClearFast presurgery drink instead. There are a number of reasons this makes for easier surgery prep, including: 


  • Your pre-op anxiety is reduced. No matter how many times you’ve gone under the knife for cosmetic enhancements, chances are you still feel a little nervous heading into your procedure. Those nerves are only exacerbated by the fact you have absolutely nothing in your stomach. The ClearFast presurgery drink, then, works to reduce the stress and anxiety that come along with being starved and dehydrated before surgery. In fact, in a large controlled study, patients in the pre-op area who drank ClearFast were 5.5-6.5 times more likely to describe themselves as “comfortable” than their cohorts who underwent the old-school fasting-from-midnight option.


  • You’re not starved and dehydrated. Heading into surgery is a bit like heading into a marathon—it makes no sense to deprive yourself of all-important hydration and complex carbs before you’re getting ready to undertake such major physical stress. ClearFast provides medical-grade hydration and acts as a liquid food, so your body has all of the nutrition it needs to go under the knife in the strongest state possible.


  • Your IV “sticks” are so much easier. Being poked and prodded with IVs is no fun. Have you ever noticed how it’s worse right before you go into surgery? That’s because dehydration from the old-school fasting-from-midnight instruction leads to reduced blood flow, which means it often takes your nurse multiple, painful IV sticks to find a good vein. ClearFast works to drastically reduce this problem by ensuring you’re properly hydrated before surgery and have healthy, easy-to-find veins!


How drinking ClearFast helps you heal faster from surgery:

Getting an edge on the recovery process means being proactive by properly preparing your body for your procedure before you go under. By drinking ClearFast before your surgery, you’re giving your body medical-grade nutrition and hydration…rather than sending it to battle starved and dehydrated as is the case with fasting-from-midnight. There are a number of significant ways ClearFast gives you a leg up on the dreaded recovery process, including: 


  • It reduces your chance of post-op nausea and vomiting. If you’re someone who wakes up from anesthesia sick to your stomach, you know just how frustrating post-op nausea and vomiting can be when you’re trying to get out of the hospital and onto the recovery process. It turns out that fasting before surgery is largely responsible for the nausea and vomiting so many patients experience after waking up from anesthesia.  But, ClearFast customers who, in the past experienced nausea and vomiting after waking from surgery, time and time again report that taking the ClearFast preop drink completely eliminated this problem for them. 



  • It decreases your risk of post-op infection: When you’re having a cosmetic procedure done, you want to heal faster from surgery and get back to normal activity as soon as you can! You don’t want to delay your big reveal because of an infection. Unfortunately, the old-school fasting-from-midnight method can increase your risk of surgical infection, as it ends up sending your body into a catabolic state. Essentially, this means that, to compensate for the lack of “fuel” brought on by fasting, your body uses up its glycogen stores and then begins to breakdown fat and muscle as alternative energy sources. Insulin levels rise in response to rising glucose levels and, in effect, you can become insulin-resistant. When you’re insulin-resistant after surgery and have a fresh surgical incision, the chance for infection greatly increases. Because ClearFast works to reduce your chance of becoming postoperative insulin resistant, it also reduces your risk of surgical infection.





Overall, for those who are undergoing multiple cosmetic surgeries and want to heal faster from surgery and get a huge edge on recovery, there’s no better solution than preparing your body with ClearFast. If you’re ready to wake up from anesthesia feeling strong and ready for that big reveal, you can order your ClearFast Presurgery Drink here. And, as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions at all. We’re always happy to help!

Healing Tips Preparing for Surgery Presurgery Nutrition

Five Surgery Success Stories: What Physicians & Patients are Saying About ClearFast Preop Drink

Five Surgery Success Stories: What Physicians & Patients are Saying About ClearFast Preop Drink

Undergoing surgery can be daunting—but, with the ClearFast Preop Drink, it doesn’t always have to be. From reducing post-op nausea and vomiting to speeding up the recovery process, ClearFast has a number of proven medical benefits for patients undergoing anesthesia.

There’s countless research that points to why ClearFast makes for safer, easier, less-stressful surgeries—but, while we love immersing ourselves in research studies and medical journals, nothing makes us happier than hearing from patients and physicians who have their own surgery success stories. Today, then, we’ve rounded up our favorite ClearFast Amazon reviews and client testimonials. Read on for what ClearFast users are saying about the difference our ClearFast Preop Drink made in their surgery or colonoscopy experience.

  1. “Helped Nurses Get my IV the First Try”

I used this because it was recommended by a friend before surgery. I think it really helped, I’m usually a very difficult person to start IVs on and the nurses got it on the first try! That was worth it right there, also my anesthesiologist said that was a great idea and that he has heard good things about the product. I had a 10 am procedure so hunger wasn’t really an issue, but I didn’t feel hungry and my recovery went so well the doctor said I could go home when he was planning on keep me overnight.” – Read Brian D’s full review here

  1. “This Made My Colonoscopy Prep So Tolerable”

I was scheduled for a colonoscopy, but clear up to a week before, I gave serious thought to canceling. I have hypoglycemia and was worried about my symptoms if I go without protein for longer than 2 hours. By chance I found this and after reading reviews i decided to go ahead with the procedure and try this. I used Suprep (2 doses 8 oz each devided) As per instructions i had a sip of ClearFast with each sip of prep. Then also per ClearFast instructions, I drank one 2 hours before procedure, so 3 altogether. The combination of the smaller quantity prep and the ClearFast gave me the best colonoscopy prep I’ve ever had. I always dread the prep part, but it was no big deal. I barely had any hypoglycemia symptoms at all.” – Read the full review here

  1. “Works Great!”

“I used two bottles of ClearFast. I drank one just before my eating cut off time and the other before the clear liquid cut off time. ClearFast worked just as advertised! I woke up after my surgery feeling good, voice was strong and in my right mind. It took a couple of weeks for all the surgery drugs to wear off but I was able to eat and function well considering the surgery I had. I will definitely use it again whenever I have surgery.” – Read the full review here

  1.  “Will Always Repeat this Routine in the Future!”

“I despise the oral bowel prep. Last time, I drank ClearFast PreOp along with my prep…I ‘chased’ each 8 oz. dose of the prep solution with a few sips of ClearFast PreOp to get rid of the awful aftertaste. I had a full bottle of ClearFast PreOp following the full prep and a third dose at two hours before the colonoscopy. I felt great and will always repeat this routine in the future! For my last colonoscopy, I was stuck 7 times for my IV as I was so dehydrated. This last experience was a “1 stick miracle”! I have highly recommended ClearFast PreOp to any eligible patient.” – Read the full review here

  1. “The Way of the Future in Pre-Op Care”

“As a physician and surgeon myself, I wholeheartedly endorse this product. It is really the first of its kind in the US, and it has been a huge success in my experience. Not only do I use it for all of my own surgical patients, but I have used it as a patient myself before a procedure. It makes a tremendous difference. The drink actually tastes pretty good, especially chilled overnight, but the best thing is that you go into surgery without the starving or thirst feeling, and you are much calmer, more relaxed, and you get through it much better. I think this should be the way of the future for preop care. There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting its use; we just have to convince our anesthesiologists that it’s time to drop the “old school ways” of nothing to eat or drink after midnight, and adopt the new evidence-based practices.” – Read the full review here

Alright, I want my own ClearFast Preop Drink surgery success story!

Ready for less painful IV “sticks,” easier and quicker recovery, and to finally wake up from surgery feeling strong…rather than sick to your stomach, hungry, and dehydrated? Talk to your doctor about ClearFast and then order your ClearFast here to get a major leg up on the recovery process. (Pssst…ClearFast isn’t just for surgery, learn how customers are using ClearFast’s medical-grade hydration for everything from exercise recovery to carb-loading to hangover cures here.)

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions about the process at all.

Healing Tips Preparing for Surgery

4 Things No One Tells You About Surgery: Surgery Scheduling & Prep Tips for Better Outcomes & Faster Recovery

4 Things No One Tells You About Surgery: Surgery Scheduling & Prep Tips for Better Outcomes & Faster Recovery

Going under the knife is something most of us will experience at least once in our lives—and it tends to be an experience we all dread. According to data from the American College of Surgeons, Americans undergo an average of 9.2 surgical procedures per lifetime, which is why it’s so important that we know everything there is to know when it comes to proper surgery scheduling and prep. Today, then, we’ll cover four major surgery prep tips, including:

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  • Why you schedule your surgery for the morning
  • Why you should avoid weekend surgeries
  • Which month is the worst for surgery outcomes
  • Why fasting before surgery is outdated (and how to safely nourish before surgery instead)

Now, let’s dig in…

Ready for a behind-the-medical-curtain look at surgery prep tips no one tells you? We’ve rounded up our top four tips for patients preparing for surgery below. Read on for some seriously empowering knowledge for that upcoming procedure.

  1. Mornings are Best

When it comes to surgery scheduling, the time of day you choose can make a huge difference in your surgical outcome and recovery. In fact, researchers conducting a 2006 Duke University study found that surgeries scheduled between 3 and 4 p.m. had a higher rate of post-op vomiting, nausea, and pain. That same study found that patients experiencing anesthesia-related problems increased from just 1% at 9 a.m. to 4.2% at 4 p.m.

There are two main reasons researchers speculate this is the case—the first, according to a CNN article, has to do with your body’s natural circadian rhythms, which regulate your sleep/wake cycle and brain activity. These rhythms dip between 3 and 5 p.m. every single day (think of that all-too-familiar mid-afternoon crash so many of us experience at the office). You certainly don’t want your body “crashing” during surgery—the natural sleepiness we experience during that time frame every day, researchers suspect, could play a role in the poor outcomes of late-afternoon surgeries.

Many suspect the second reason for poor surgical outcomes during this time frame has to do with medical professionals changing shifts. Nurses, anesthesiologists, and other members of surgical teams typically start their shift around 6:30-7 a.m. This means they switch shifts right around the 3 p.m. mark—often in the middle of surgery. Unfortunately, these shift changes can lead to miscommunications or important information getting lost in translation. There’s also the theory that surgeons are simply tired after a long day of back-to-back surgeries and, as such, are more prone to making mistakes as the day goes on. Whatever the reasons, though, the research is clear—mornings are the absolute best time to schedule your surgery.

  1. Avoid Weekend Surgeries

In addition to the time slot, the day of the week you schedule your surgery for can make a huge difference in your outcome and recovery as well. According to a British Medical Journal study, patients who underwent surgery on Fridays were 44% more likely to have complications than those who underwent surgery on a Monday. Medical professionals and researchers have speculated this is due to the fact that hospitals tend to be understaffed on the weekends—as well as the fact that experienced doctors with seniority tend to opt for a regular weekday work schedule, leaving the weekend shifts for their less-experienced, “newbee” counterparts.

  1. Steer Clear of the Month of July

The worst month to schedule your surgery for? According to researchers from Johns Hopkins: July. Their study of nearly 3,000 surgeries found a higher rate of post-op complications during July than any other month of the year. Why exactly is July such a bad month for surgery scheduling? Researchers speculate it could have to do with that fact that July is the month when that year’s graduating medical students begin working as residents. So, we recommend you opt for a bright beach vacation instead of the operating room during this sunny, summer month.

  1. Fasting Before Surgery is Outdated

Fasting before surgery is a no-brainer, right? Not so fast—according to modern medical research, fasting before surgery isn’t exactly your friend. More and more medical studies are confirming that preparing for surgery with the right preop drink (rather than abstaining from all liquids and nourishment) actually makes for a safer, more comfortable experience before, during, and after surgery—which is why so many  medical professionals are changing their tune when it comes to fasting as part of surgery prep. The outdated “no food or drink after midnight” rule has actually been shown to have adverse affects on a patient’s ability to recovery quickly—after all, it makes sense that heading into a physically stressful event starved and dehydrated would be a recipe for discomfort, stress, and an increased hospital stay.

Top-rated hospitals and doctors across the world are now recommending patients prepare for surgery with a clear, complex carb-rich beverage like ClearFast. This allows a patient to safely hydrate and nourish before surgery—a simple step that has been proven to reduce pre-surgery stress, reduce post-op nausea and vomiting, decrease the risk of post-op infection, and ultimately shorten the time between going under the knife and getting to go home.

Overall, setting your body up for surgery success comes down to being proactive. Take care when scheduling your surgery—opt for early time-slots and try to schedule for the beginning of the week if possible (and always avoid the month of July). With your doctor’s approval, you can also work ClearFast into your surgery prep routine for a simple and easy way to get a major leg up on the dreaded recovery process. Order your ClearFast Preop Drink here, or reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions about the process at all.

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