Presurgery Nutrition

Clear Liquid Before Surgery: The Meaning Behind the ClearFast Name & Why It Matters for Safer Surgery

Clear Liquid Before Surgery: The Meaning Behind the ClearFast Name & Why It Matters for Safer Surgery

What’s in a name? Turns out, a whole lot, actually. With a name like ClearFast, we often get asked if our drink is a laxative (spoiler alert: it’s not!), so we wanted to take some time today to explain the meaning behind our product’s name and—more importantly—to cover what in the world its name has to do with safer surgery. Today, we’ll cover:

  • What the name “ClearFast” means
  • Why a pre-surgery drink needs to be formulated to clear from your stomach in a timely manner
  • Why drinking clear liquid before surgery ultimately makes for safer surgeries
  • How ClearFast is designed to clear from your stomach fast and reduce your risk of a dangerous surgery

Now, let’s dig in…

What does the name ClearFast mean?

The name ClearFast comes from the idea that our pre-surgery drink is formulated to clear from your stomach, fast. (Another handy way to look at it is this: it’s a clear liquid for your pre-surgery fast). The name actually has nothing to do with the product being a laxative at all! Why, though, does it matter if something clears from your stomach fast? We break that down below, so read on!

Why does my pre-surgery drink need to clear from my stomach fast?

One of the main reasons patients are instructed to not eat or drink anything after midnight before their surgery is because matter left behind in the stomach can put a patient at risk of aspiration during surgery. Aspiration is essentially the entry of your stomach contents into the lower respiratory tract and lungs, which can be very dangerous when you’re under anesthesia. Modern medical research has concluded, though, that patients who drank clear liquid before surgery had even emptier stomachs than patients who didn’t eat or drink anything before their surgery, ultimately reducing their risk of aspiration.

How does drinking clear liquid before surgery leave you with an emptier stomach than if you didn’t drink anything at all?

So how, exactly, does drinking clear liquid before surgery leave patients with an emptier stomach than not eating or drinking anything at all? It does sound a bit counterintuitive, after all! Turns out, when we fast from midnight (the outdated rule), an empty, hungry stomach can cause a buildup of gastric acids. Recent studies have shown that patients entering surgery after using a clear liquid like ClearFast have lower acidity of stomach contents than those who fasted and, therefore, a reduced risk of aspiration under anesthesia. In short, drinking clear liquid before surgery is proven to leave you with an emptier stomach, which makes for safer surgery.  

So what makes ClearFast clear from my stomach fast?

In order to ensure safer surgery and reduced risk of aspiration, the pre-surgery drink you choose needs to be specially formulated to clear from your stomach fast. This has to do with something called osmolarity. Osmolarity is essentially the concentration of a substance (in this case, complex carbohydrates) in a solution (the drink itself). Lower osmolarity leads to faster gastric emptying times…which ultimately leads to a reduced risk of aspiration and safer overall surgery.

ClearFast has an ideal osmolarity of 270 mOsm, which makes for timely gastric emptying. (Sports drinks, on the other hand, have a high osmolarity of around 330 mOsm, which means they stay in your stomach way too long to be considered safe to use as a pre-surgery drink.) Overall, ClearFast was specially formulated to address physicians’ concerns (the concern of patients entering into surgery with left-behind stomach contents) and make for safer, easier surgeries for patients by allowing them to nourish and hydrate before surgery rather than starve themselves after midnight. (Psst…you can also read more about everything ClearFast does to make for more comfortable surgeries—including reducing your risk of post-op nausea and vomiting—here.)


Overall, drinking the right clear liquid before surgery is such a simple and easy way to get a leg up on the dreaded surgery and recovery process. Ready to give ClearFast a try? Order your ClearFast Preop Drink here, or reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions about the process at all.


Healing Tips Preparing for Surgery Presurgery Nutrition

Five Surgery Success Stories: What Physicians & Patients are Saying About ClearFast Preop Drink

Five Surgery Success Stories: What Physicians & Patients are Saying About ClearFast Preop Drink

Undergoing surgery can be daunting—but, with the ClearFast Preop Drink, it doesn’t always have to be. From reducing post-op nausea and vomiting to speeding up the recovery process, ClearFast has a number of proven medical benefits for patients undergoing anesthesia.

There’s countless research that points to why ClearFast makes for safer, easier, less-stressful surgeries—but, while we love immersing ourselves in research studies and medical journals, nothing makes us happier than hearing from patients and physicians who have their own surgery success stories. Today, then, we’ve rounded up our favorite ClearFast Amazon reviews and client testimonials. Read on for what ClearFast users are saying about the difference our ClearFast Preop Drink made in their surgery or colonoscopy experience.

  1. “Helped Nurses Get my IV the First Try”

I used this because it was recommended by a friend before surgery. I think it really helped, I’m usually a very difficult person to start IVs on and the nurses got it on the first try! That was worth it right there, also my anesthesiologist said that was a great idea and that he has heard good things about the product. I had a 10 am procedure so hunger wasn’t really an issue, but I didn’t feel hungry and my recovery went so well the doctor said I could go home when he was planning on keep me overnight.” – Read Brian D’s full review here

  1. “This Made My Colonoscopy Prep So Tolerable”

I was scheduled for a colonoscopy, but clear up to a week before, I gave serious thought to canceling. I have hypoglycemia and was worried about my symptoms if I go without protein for longer than 2 hours. By chance I found this and after reading reviews i decided to go ahead with the procedure and try this. I used Suprep (2 doses 8 oz each devided) As per instructions i had a sip of ClearFast with each sip of prep. Then also per ClearFast instructions, I drank one 2 hours before procedure, so 3 altogether. The combination of the smaller quantity prep and the ClearFast gave me the best colonoscopy prep I’ve ever had. I always dread the prep part, but it was no big deal. I barely had any hypoglycemia symptoms at all.” – Read the full review here

  1. “Works Great!”

“I used two bottles of ClearFast. I drank one just before my eating cut off time and the other before the clear liquid cut off time. ClearFast worked just as advertised! I woke up after my surgery feeling good, voice was strong and in my right mind. It took a couple of weeks for all the surgery drugs to wear off but I was able to eat and function well considering the surgery I had. I will definitely use it again whenever I have surgery.” – Read the full review here

  1.  “Will Always Repeat this Routine in the Future!”

“I despise the oral bowel prep. Last time, I drank ClearFast PreOp along with my prep…I ‘chased’ each 8 oz. dose of the prep solution with a few sips of ClearFast PreOp to get rid of the awful aftertaste. I had a full bottle of ClearFast PreOp following the full prep and a third dose at two hours before the colonoscopy. I felt great and will always repeat this routine in the future! For my last colonoscopy, I was stuck 7 times for my IV as I was so dehydrated. This last experience was a “1 stick miracle”! I have highly recommended ClearFast PreOp to any eligible patient.” – Read the full review here

  1. “The Way of the Future in Pre-Op Care”

“As a physician and surgeon myself, I wholeheartedly endorse this product. It is really the first of its kind in the US, and it has been a huge success in my experience. Not only do I use it for all of my own surgical patients, but I have used it as a patient myself before a procedure. It makes a tremendous difference. The drink actually tastes pretty good, especially chilled overnight, but the best thing is that you go into surgery without the starving or thirst feeling, and you are much calmer, more relaxed, and you get through it much better. I think this should be the way of the future for preop care. There is plenty of scientific evidence supporting its use; we just have to convince our anesthesiologists that it’s time to drop the “old school ways” of nothing to eat or drink after midnight, and adopt the new evidence-based practices.” – Read the full review here

Alright, I want my own ClearFast Preop Drink surgery success story!

Ready for less painful IV “sticks,” easier and quicker recovery, and to finally wake up from surgery feeling strong…rather than sick to your stomach, hungry, and dehydrated? Talk to your doctor about ClearFast and then order your ClearFast here to get a major leg up on the recovery process. (Pssst…ClearFast isn’t just for surgery, learn how customers are using ClearFast’s medical-grade hydration for everything from exercise recovery to carb-loading to hangover cures here.)

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions about the process at all.

For Med Pros Presurgery Nutrition

The Most Effective ERAS Drink: Ensuring the Preop Drink You Recommend Delivers the Right Results

The Most Effective ERAS DrinkEnsuring the Preop Drink You Recommend Delivers the Right Results

An evidence-based program borrowed from Europe and the UK, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Programs (or ERAS® Programs) are becoming increasingly popular in luminary hospitals across the United States. A major component of these programs is prepping patients for surgery with the right ERAS drink. Today, we’ll cover:

  • Why ClearFast is the most compliant ERAS drink
  • The benefits of ClearFast as an ERAS drink, including:
    • It’s complex carbohydrate-rich and rich in maltodextrins
    • It’s rich in healing properties (zinc & L-citrulline)
    • Clear and colorless, ClearFast is free of simple sugars and colored dyes (unlike sports drinks)
    • It is trusted by medical professionals across the US, who use ClearFast as a key part of their ERAS Programs.
  • Why taste and ease-of-use are imperative for improved patient outcomes

Now, let’s dig in…

ERAS® Programs are comprised of 17 key elements for perioperative patient managementlike pre-admission counseling and short-acting anaesthetic agents—which, when combined, work to ensure a better surgical outcomes, enhanced recovery after surgery, and increased patient satisfaction overall.

One of the most important of the 17 elements is preoperative carbohydrate loading using a compliant ERAS® drink. It’s not an exaggeration to say that, without that, the results of your ERAS program will be limited at best. Today, then, we’re breaking down everything you need to know about choosing the right ERAS drink for your patients—ultimately ensuring safer, more effective surgeries and happier patients across the board.

The Most Compliant ERAS Drink

The most important part of any ERAS program is compliance. If the preop recommendations you’re making aren’t ERAS-compliant (i.e. recommending a preop beverage that doesn’t provide patients the proper amount of nutrition and hydration in the proper form), the results of your program will be extremely limited, at best.

We know that proper preop nutrition and hydration is a key element of ERAS programs, replacing the outdated no food or drink after midnight rule. But, just as important to note is the fact that not just any beverage will work when it comes to proper preop carbohydrate loading. They key to this ERAS program element is preparing patients with complex carbohydrate-rich beverages that contain primarily maltodextrins, rather than simple sugars like the fructose found in sports drinks. Sports drinks, in other words, simply aren’t an option for enhanced recovery—after all, it doesn’t take a medical degree to know that you shouldn’t prepare patients for anesthesia with dyed, neon-colored, simple-sugar water. ClearFast, on the other hand, is the only domestically produced ERAS drink of this kind that is delicious, rich in maltodextrins & healing properties (zinc & L-citrulline), clear and colorless, free of simple sugars and colored dyes; it is trusted by medical professionals across the US, who regularly use ClearFast as a key part of their ERAS Programs.

The Importance of Taste & Ease of Use

Ease of use and flavor are extremely important when it comes to ERAS compliance—and, without proper compliance, your ERAS program won’t deliver the results you’re hoping for. A recommendation, after all,  is only as good as far as it’s followed. What good does it do to recommend a preop drink if your patients don’t actually drink it, or worse, can’t follow the instructions properly and end up taking the drink incorrectly? One of the major problems with using other preop carbohydrate beverages on the market as part of your ERAS program is that they tend to be extremely foul tasting and complicated to use. ClearFast is distinct as an ERAS drink in that it receives rave reviews, time and time again, from patients who find it easy to use and pleasing to drink. One of our favorites comes from a patient who wrote of ClearFast’s taste, “Thank you so much for introducing me to ClearFast PreOp. Having to go through my first colonoscopy, my worst fear was not only having to drink the solution, but doing so on an empty stomach with the possibility of being nauseous! Sipping on ClearFast PreOp after each glass made it bearable, as it tastes good! And, it was comforting to know that it was full of nutrients.”

It’s important to note that, if your solution to foul-tasting preop drinks is to send patients to the store to search for an appropriate additive, you’re asking for trouble. Patients can easily get confused and can end up choosing the wrong item or misunderstanding your instruction all together. You don’t want a patient showing up for surgery, turning to you and saying, “Doc, I mixed that drink you recommended up in a protein shake.. that’s fine right?”

Overall, getting the most out of your hospital’s ERAS program all comes down to proper compliance. A key part of this is ensuring the ERAS drink you recommend checks all of the necessary boxes for proper preoperative carbohydrate loading. ClearFast, then, is the only domestically-produced preop drink on the market that contains 50 full grams of complex carbs (ERAS programs recommend 45+), is rich in maltodextrins, is clear and colorless, is free of simple sugars and colored dyes…and is tasty and easy for patients to use.

Ready to improve outcomes for your patients and your hospital with the right ERAS drink? Recommending ClearFast for preoperative carbohydrate loading is the most compliant choice you can make when it comes to preop nutrition and hydration as part of an ERAS program. Order your ClearFast Preop Drink here, or reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions at all. We’re always here and happy to help!

Preparing for Surgery Presurgery Nutrition

Hunger and Our Emotional State: Why Fasting Before Surgery Isn’t Always Your Friend

Hunger and Our Emotional State: Why Fasting Before Surgery Isn’t Always Your Friend

There’s a reason “hangry” has become a well-known term in our culture (merriam-Webster even added the oh-so-real adjective to its list of Words We’re Watching). Today, we’re covering “hangry” as it relates to surgery (and your recovery). We’ll break down:

  • The symptoms of hunger
  • Why entering surgery hungry is never a good idea
  • Why medical professionals are now recommending pre-op carb-loading with a beverage like ClearFast in place of fasting after midnight

As any restaurant host knows, hungry people can be easily (and quickly) agitated. Even those iconic Snickers® advertisements remind us time and time again: “You’re not you when you’re hungry.” Hunger and our emotional state are most definitely connected—as anyone who’s ever skipped their lunch break can attest to—and we’re now beginning to learn how hunger plays an important role in medical procedures and surgery. In fact, when it comes to fasting before surgery, an array of modern medical research points to the fact that being hangry in the waiting room may mean an uncomfortable surgery experience—and lower patient satisfaction—overall.

The Symptoms of Hunger

We all know the symptoms of hunger well—irritability, headaches, forgetfulness, dizziness…the list goes on. According to the New York Times article, A Serving of Reality with Surgical Fasts, which reported on a medical study of 155 patients, “The consequences of prolonged fasting are not trivial. Besides hunger, thirst and irritability, the researchers noted that some fasting patients also suffered from headaches, dehydration, low blood volume and low blood sugar. A third of patients failed to take crucial medications the day of surgery because they had been told not to swallow anything after midnight.”

Hunger and Surgery

Now, think about the emotional state surgery puts you in—you’re stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, nervous for what’s to come, and probably even a little bit frightened (going under can be scary, after all!). When we follow the antiquated fast-from-midnight rule, we pile hunger—and all of its symptoms—on top of an already heightened and stressed-out emotional state. It’s like sending our body to battle with no armor: The battle may be inevitable—but there are certainly proactive steps we can take to better prepare ourselves for the stressful event that’s to come…properly nourishing our body being a critical one.

The Solution

To reduce the problems posed by fasting before surgery, more and more research is now pointing to the fact that foregoing traditional fasting-from-midnight and opting for a complex carb-rich, clear preop drink like ClearFast instead may be the key to better surgery outcomes. ClearFast is essentially a “liquid food,” so it works to safely hydrate and nourish patients before anesthesia—which ultimately makes for less patient stress, a more comfortable surgery experience, enhanced recovery after surgery, and higher patient satisfaction overall.

In fact, a medical study focusing on the effects of oral carbohydrate with amino acid intake before surgery, found that, in addition to an array of other benefits, intake of a preoperative carbohydrate drinkcan provide better preoperative mental health compared with complete fasting.” According to another controlled study, researchers also found that patients in the pre-op area who drank ClearFast were 5.5-6.5 times more likely to describe themselves as “comfortable” than their cohorts who underwent traditional fasting before surgery. All of this tell us that hungry people are not happyand that being hungry (and irritated…and dehydrated…and uncomfortable) before surgery is no longer a required part of the process. We now know that patients can safely consume the ClearFast preop drink before heading into surgeryleading to less stress and a better surgery experience overall!

Ready to take proactive steps to help reduce the stress and discomfort that accompanies old-school fasting before surgery? Talk to your doctor to ensure ClearFast is right for your surgery, then order your ClearFast Preop Beverage here, or reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions at all. We’re here to help replace stressful surgeries with seamless ones…one hangry patient at a time.

Presurgery Nutrition

Preparing for Surgery with Diabetes: Drinking ClearFast for a Safer Surgery

Preparing for Surgery with Diabetes: Drinking ClearFast for a Safer Surgery

For the over 30 million people in the U.S. who have diabetes, the thought of preparing for surgery with diabetes can be frightening to say the least—but it doesn’t always have to be, especially when you’re armed with knowledge. Today, we’re breaking down:

  • Why fasting before surgery for diabetics isn’t always safe
  • Safe pre-op carb-loading for diabetics
  • The benefits of drinking ClearFast before surgery as a diabetic, in order to:
    • Protect your critical glycogen stores
    • Take into account your dietary needs
    • Reduce your chance of pre-op complications
    • Reduce your chance of post-op complications

Now, let’s dig in…

The inherent stress that comes along with surgery, coupled with pre-op fasting and post-op complications, can make managing your diabetes and controlling your blood sugar all the more difficult. But, more and more research has recently shown that preparing for surgery with diabetes can be made more comfortable and safe with the simple addition of a clear, complex-carb preop drink like ClearFast. Today, then, we’re breaking down the ins and outs of preparing for surgery with diabetes—and talking safe preop carb-loading for diabetics:

Why Fasting Before Surgery for Diabetics Isn’t Always Safe:

The idea of fasting before surgery is an old and outdated one—recent clinical studies and findings from numerous medical professionals show that fasting before surgery actually adds stress and decreases the safety of patients preparing for surgery. This is particularly true for those with diabetes, as diabetic patients are often the most adversely affected by prolonged fasting.

A prolonged fast ultimately sends your body into a catabolic state, which means your body uses up its glycogen stores when it needs energy before surgery and then moves on to breaking down healthy fat and muscle tissue as an alternative energy source when it runs out of glycogen stores. This isn’t ideal for the average, everyday patient—let alone for someone managing diabetes. For diabetics, this catabolic state can lead to serious complications like hyperglycemia and even ketoacidosis.

In addition to these complications, things as simple as post-op nausea and vomiting (a common experience for patients waking up from surgery), increased stress (something we all experience before and after surgery), and a decrease in activity level after surgery can make monitoring and managing your blood sugar all the more difficult for diabetics. Minimizing these factors is key when it comes to preparing for surgery with diabetes.

The Benefits of Safe PreOp Carb-Loading for Diabetics:

As any diabetic knows, prolonged fasting is one of the quickest ways to throw your blood sugar completely out of whack. Add stress hormones and pre-surgery anxiety on top of that and you’ve got a recipe for disaster for diabetics undergoing surgery. Though it may seem counterintuitive at first, according to a number of medical studies, pre-op carb-loading for diabetics is actually one of the safest, most effective ways to manage blood sugar levels before, during and after surgery. Consider the following benefits:

  • It protects your critical glycogen stores: By providing your body the complex carbs it needs for energy, drinking ClearFast before surgery helps to ensure your body isn’t using up all of those ever-important glycogen stores. This ultimately helps you proactively manage your blood-sugar levels, rather than being at the mercy of a from-midnight fast (and the negative side effects such a fast can have on your health).


  • It takes into account a diabetic’s ongoing nutritional requirements: Let’s face it—fasting for hours upon hours isn’t exactly a practical option for diabetics, who have constant and critical nutritional requirements. By working ClearFast into your surgery prep routine and closely monitoring your blood sugar levels as part of the prep process, you’re working with—rather than completely ignoring—your body’s critical nutritional requirements.


  • It reduces your chance of pre-op complications: Prolonged fasting before surgery for diabetics can mean a dangerous drop in blood-sugar levels, which ultimately leads to complications like hypoglycemia and even ketoacidosis (a serious complication that occurs when your body isn’t producing enough insulin). Preparing your body for surgery with ClearFast helps to reduce the risk of your body using up all of those important glycogen stores and ultimately ending up in one of these two unhealthy and risk-prone states.


  • It reduces your chance of post-op complications: Numerous studies have found that pre-op carb-loading with a complex-carb, clear preop drink like ClearFast can reduce your risk of post-op insulin resistance and post-op infections, as well as reduce the occurrence of post-op vomiting—all of which make managing your blood-sugar difficult, posing particular danger for those with diabetes. These same studies have found the old-school fasting-from-midnight instruction to be antiquated and even unsafe, espeically in regards to the development of post-op insulin resistance. In fact, according to a  lecture published in the Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, “The increased uptake of glucose in non-insulin-sensitive cells is involved in the development of several of the most common postoperative complications, including infections and cardiovascular problems. Many of the perioperative treatments in use are outdated, and modern care involves a multimodal approach with several treatments, such as preoperative carbohydrate treatment instead of overnight fasting.” Just like this finding states, when we’re able to avoid or reduce the risk of these complications through preop carb treatment, we end up with a much easier and shorter recovery period—which ultimately means getting to go home (and get the heck out of the hospital!) much quicker.

So, Can I Drink ClearFast if I’m Diabetic?

Lots of recent research points to the fact that, not only is preop carb-loading not bad for diabetics undergoing surgery, but it actually proves extremely beneficial. Because diabetics are always monitored extra closely before, during and after surgical procedures, the addition of ClearFast won’t vastly change the treatment plan for a diabetic at all. It won’t require tons of extra monitoring, but instead integrates seamlessly into your doctor’s, surgeon’s and anesthesiologist’s treatment plan. That being said, we always recommend asking your doctor if ClearFast is right for your particular surgery. We have tons of preop carb-loading resources for medical professionals on our website, which he or she can refer to for additional information.

Overall, preparing for surgery with diabetes comes down to being proactive about your health and practical about your unique nutritional needs, rather than being at the mercy of an antiquated from-midnight fast. Be sure to talk to your doctor about ClearFast, and, with their approval, order your ClearFast Preop Drink here to get a major leg up on the dreaded surgery and recovery process. As always, reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions about our preop drink at all!

Preparing for Surgery Presurgery Nutrition

Set Your Body Up For Success: Proactive Surgery Prep with the Right Presurgery Drink

Set Your Body Up For Success: Proactive Surgery Prep with the Right Preop Drink

Going under the knife is never fun—but fortunately there is one major surgery-prep step you can take to help your ensure you enter surgery more relaxed, come out of surgery more comfortable and recover faster. Today, we’ll cover:  

  • Drinking ClearFast before your surgery to:
    • Reduce dehydration and hunger
    • Make for easier, less painful IV “sticks”
    • Reduce post-op nausea and vomiting
    • Get an edge on recovery

Now, let’s dig in…

Anyone who’s undergone anesthesia knows the scene: you’ve spent the night restless and anxious about your upcoming surgery, you’re nervous and uncomfortable (and could really use that all-important cup of morning coffee you’ve had to skip), you’re getting poked and prodded with IVs…and to top it off, YOU’RE STARVING. Could it get any worse?

An estimated 232 million surgeries are performed worldwide each year, and, as many of us know, we tend to write surgery off as an experience that will be inevitably terrible, no matter what. Because of this, we often never even consider taking steps to make surgery prep and surgery recovery more comfortable for ourselves. But, the truth is, going under doesn’t have to look and feel like the all-too-familiar scene above. The key to minimizing discomfort lies in being proactive and setting our bodies up for success—rather than leaving our surgery experience up to chance.

Think about it like preparing for a marathon—you’d never show up starving, dehydrated and ill-prepared for the big run, right? No—you’d make sure your body had all of the support it needed before it took on such a big challenge. We like to look at surgery the same way—your body is about to undergo a tremendous amount of stress. Because of this, it needs to be in the best state possible for your procedure: 1) so that you’re comfortable going under the knife, and 2) so that you can recover as fast as possible.

The key to proper surgery prep and comfortable surgery recovery all comes down to nourishment, which is why medical professionals are now replacing the traditional no-food-or-drink-after-midnight rule with the instructions to instead consumer a pre-op beverage like ClearFast. By working the right preop drink into your fasting before surgery routine, you can safely and properly nourish your body for surgery (and get a huge edge on recovery).

Preparing for Surgery with the ClearFast Preop Drink

By nourishing your body with the ClearFast preop drink, you reap a number of benefits that start well before you’re ever wheeled into the operating room:

  • Reduced Dehydration & Hunger

Dehydration before anesthesia is a recipe for disaster. Fasting before surgery the old way (no food or drink after midnight) leaves you hungry and dehydrated. Fasting before surgery with the the right preop drink, though, is a safe way to ensure your body is hydrated, nourished and in the best state possible for anesthesia. ClearFast acts as a “liquid food”, which means it provides your body all of the complex carbs and nourishment it needs for a more comfortable surgery experience.

  • Reduced Anxiety and Emotional Stress

Heading into surgery is never fun—especially when you’re starved and thirsty. Rich in complex carbs and free of simple sugars and colored dyes, the ClearFast preop drink works to reduce the stress and anxiety that come along with surgery. In a large controlled study, patients in the pre-op area who drank ClearFast were 5.5-6.5 times more likely to describe themselves as “comfortable” than those who underwent traditional fasting from midnight.

  • Easier IV “Sticks”

Hate being poked and prodded with IVs? Notice it’s often worse right before you go under the knife? That’s because dehydration leads to reduced blood flow, which can often mean multiple, painful IV sticks. Many ClearFast customers report easier, pain-free and one-time-only needle sticks as a result of using our preop drink while preparing for surgery.

Recovering from Surgery with the ClearFast Preop Drink

Not only does ClearFast set you up for success before you’re on the operating table, it also plays a major role in a smoother, faster, more comfortable recovery after surgery:

  • Reduced Post-Op Nausea and Vomiting

Fasting before surgery is largely responsible for the nausea and vomiting so many patients experience after undergoing anesthesia. Time and time again, ClearFast customers who, in the past experienced nausea and vomiting after waking from surgery, report that taking the ClearFast preop drink completely eliminated this problem for them.

Ready to set your body up for surgery success? Drinking ClearFast is such a simple and easy way to get a major leg up on the dreaded surgery and recovery process. Order your ClearFast Preop Drink here, or reach out to the ClearFast team at support@drinkcf.com if you have any questions about the process at all. Our goal, as always, is to help patients enter into and awake from surgery in the best, most comfortable physical and emotional state possible—we can’t wait to answer any questions you may have.

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