Wellness + Medical Tips

Don’t Think Staying Hydrated in Winter Matters Much? These 5 Facts May Change Your Mind

While we tend to associate dehydration with sweating through the summer heat, there are a number of factors that make staying hydrated in winter just as important as swigging away on summer’s most sweltering days. Today, then, we’re breaking down all you need to know about the biological responses and big-time benefits behind staying hydrated in the winter months. Reach for something refreshing, and read on!

1. Cold weather decreases your thirst sensation.

One of the top reasons staying hydrated in winter is important? You’re more likely to become dehydrated. You don’t feel the need to cool down with an ice-cold drink the way you do in sweltering summer months—so you reach for water or an electrolyte drink far less often. This isn’t just because water is less enticing in winter (which it is) or we feel less hot (which we do)—but, according to The University of New Hampshire, it’s because “…cold actually alters thirst sensation” as it relates to the way our brains excrete AVP (a hormone that regulates fluids) and how our hypothalamus signals our cortex to create a thirst drive.

In other words, you have two factors working against your ability to stay hydrated in winter months: you crave less water both naturally (it’s cold; you’re sweating less; it’s not appealing) and biologically (cold weather affects the signals our body sends that tell us to drink).

2. Staying hydrated in winter boosts your immune system.

Water helps carry oxygen to your cells, which is a key component of proper organ functioning—and when your organs are functioning their best, so is your immune system. Staying hydrated also helps your kidneys eliminate toxins and encourages your cells to get rid of harmful waste, helping flush unwelcome visitors and cold-causing bacteria from your body (a toxin build-up in your body weakens your immune system). The immune-boosting benefits of hydration are especially vital during cold winter months, when flu season is at its peak.

3. Hydration is key for a properly functioning digestive system.

Drinking water helps you properly digest your food, keeps you regular, and helps your cells draw adequate nutrients from your blood. Staying hydrated in winter is especially important, then, because maintaining a strong immune system relies on getting adequate nutrition through a healthy, high-functioning digestive system.

4. Dehydration affects your brain function.

From improving concentration to helping you maintain your memory, staying hydrated has major benefits for brain function. Just like the cells in all of our other organs, our brain cells depend on water to help them perform properly. In fact, according to Cognitive Vitality, “The brains of dehydrated adults show signs of increased neuronal activation when performing cognitively engaging tasks, indicating that their brains are working harder than normal to complete the task.” The combination of shorter, darker days, less physical activity, and heavier meals in winter can already make us feel sluggish and slow—add the way dehydration affects your brain cells to the mix, and simple tasks can send our brains into serious overdrive.

5. Staying hydrated in winter can improve your mood.

Dark days, frigid weather, or Seasonal Affective Disorder have you feeling down? Staying hydrated in winter months might help ease the edge of the natural melancholy many of us feel throughout the season. According to Livescience, being “even slightly dehydrated is enough to cause moodiness”. In addition, subjects in a study scored lower on questionnaires assessing mood when they were dehydrated, and, as Livescience concluded, “The critical point here is that if you want to maintain your mood at optimal levels, you need to maintain your hydration.”

So, how can you stay hydrated during winter?

Women should aim for 8-11 cups of fluids each day; while men should aim for 10-15 cups. It’s also critical to ensure your body is getting enough essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes every day. In addition to good ol’ fashioned water, reach for a bottle of medical-grade CF(Rehydrate)® for clear, colorless clinical nutrition that delivers the immune-boosting hydration and natural nutrients you need—without harmful dyes, synthetic sugars, or unwelcome additives.

Ready for more goodness? Browse the rest of the CF Nutrition blog for empowering health, wellness, and lifestyle tips. And don’t forget to give your body the best chance at a healthy, flu-free winter by hydrating with the clean, clinical replenishment of CF(Rehyrdate)® and nourishing with the powerful plant-based protein in CF(protein)®, our fan-favorite immunonutrition drink.

Wellness + Medical Tips

All Things Adaptogens

Adaptogens have taken center stage in the trendy healthy world that exists online and on social media feeds. But how did these nutrient-dense adaptogenic herbs, that supposedly warrant superhuman capabilities make their way into modern health stores and wellness circles everywhere? Are they worth the buzz (and the price tag) to give your morning matcha a little more mushroom magic?? Here’s what you need to know. 

What are adaptogens?

Although medicinal adaptogenic mushrooms and superpowered fungi may seem like a recent phenomenon, their use in alternative medicine practices dates back thousands of years. There are records of adaptogenic herb use as early as 3000 B.C.E. in Indian Ayurveda Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Adaptogens are a category of plants (such as herbs, mushrooms, or berries) that purport to have a wide range of health benefits. They are non-toxic and generally considered safe for consumption by healthy individuals. The most narrow definition of adaptogens is that they help the body fend off imbalances caused by external stressors—physical, biological, or chemical. 

Whether you’re overworked and exhausted or riddled with nervous anxiety, chances are there is an adaptogen that can help improve your symptoms. Adaptogens are said to bring the body back into a state of homeostasis or balance. In other words, if you’re tired and need an energy boost, there’s an adaptogen for that. If you’re stressed out and need a way to unwind after a long day, there’s an adaptogen for that too. 

Adaptogens may be beneficial when taken in isolation, but are said to be more effective when combined with other adaptogens. Some companies, such as Four Sigmatic and Moon Juice, offer pre-blended adaptogen mixtures that target specific health areas like sleep, energy, or immunity. 

How do I take adaptogens?

Among the most well-known adaptogens are Ashwagandha, Reishi, Lion’s mane, and other fungi. For adaptogen mushrooms, in particular, the health benefits are unlocked during a double extraction process (using both hot water and alcohol). After extraction, the adaptogenic mushrooms are often spray dried into a powder form.

You can purchase adaptogen supplements in a variety of forms, each claiming to offer different health benefits. You may opt for capsule form for convenience’s sake, but always check the ingredients list to avoid any harmful or unnecessary additives. Other ways of taking your daily dose of adaptogens include tincture, extract, and powders stirred into your morning coffee or post-workout smoothie. As with any new health supplement, make sure you discuss the product with your doctor to ensure the product is safe to use while taking any other prescribed medications.

Where can I buy adaptogens?

Adaptogens are widely available in health food stores and online. From Instagram to Amazon, you can find  a range of adaptogen products and supplements available for purchase. Many companies run social media giveaways for their products or provide discounts if you sign up for their newsletters, so always check for deals before ordering. 

How do I know which companies to buy adaptogens from?

Be sure to research the company you’re purchasing adaptogens from beforehand to ensure you’re reaping the most benefits for your health. Look for companies whose products are USDA certified organic, non-GMO verified, or sustainably wildcrafted and harvested. Details like purity level testing are a good starting place to make sure you’re consuming something safe and effective. Whenever possible, verify that an independent third party has tested the product for things like particle size, tapped density, heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury), moisture content, volatile oil content, total ash, insoluble acid ash, total aerobic plate count, yeast, and mold count. 

Health Benefits of Some Adaptogens:

Although some companies go so far as to claim “our adaptogenic supplements, skincare, and food elevate consciousness and wellbeing,” more research is needed to form any definitive conclusions about their effectiveness. With that in mind, below are examples of some of the most popular and widely available adaptogens and their healing potential: 

Ashwagandha: One of the most well-known adaptogens, ashwagandha is touted for a plethora of health benefits. From strengthening the immune system to improving thyroid function, this adaptogen’s ability to mitigate stress’ adverse effects stems from an apparent cortisol regulatory power. Ashwagandha is notably beneficial for individuals with thyroid/adrenal gland problems. With such potential benefits, it’s no wonder this adaptogen’s name translates to “strength of the stallion” in India. 

Cordyceps: Cordyceps is a fungus commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Also known as Chinese caterpillar fungus, ancient cultivation techniques required harvesting the fungus from caterpillars and other insects’ brains. This method is no longer standard because of the high financial and ecological costs associated with it. However, you can still get the same health benefits from sustainably harvested Cordyceps that are caterpillar-free. Some research has demonstrated Cordyceps’ ability to improve kidney health and function. They may also help support the immune system with high Beta D-Glucans concentrations and slightly improved athletic performance by increasing oxygen uptake. 

Ginseng: Another well-known adaptogen is Ginseng. In particular, Panax Ginseng is considered a potent adaptogen for its stress-reducing capabilities. Like other adaptogen herbs and fungi used in TCM, Panax ginseng has shown promising results for boosting immune function, reducing inflammation, and lowering oxidative stress in the body. Like most adaptogens, Ginseng can be consumed as a powder, capsule, or tincture. It may also be enjoyed as a hot tea.  With a slightly sweet and herbaceous flavor, this delicious tea also doubles as an excellent evening remedy for helping reduce stress and promote calmness. 

Chaga: Used in folk medicine for centuries, Chaga, or the “King of Mushrooms,” grows on the bark of birch trees in several parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Modern research is examining  Chaga for its ability to inhibit the progression of certain cancers. Additionally, it may increase mental alertness, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the immune system. Chaga is a rich source of antioxidants and can be energizing, serving as a replacement to coffee for soldiers in WWII. The flavor of chaga is considered mild and tends to blend in well with medium roast coffee. 

Final Word

At CF Nutrition, we believe that food really is medicine. However, we understand that health is uniquely defined, and there is no “one size fits all” approach to wellness. Some people may find that combining clinical and alternative medicine helps them feel their best, while others may find that alternative health practices do not apply to them. Ideally, there is a scenario where alternative medicine can supplement more traditional medical approaches to promote the highest level of health and well being. 

While CF Nutrition aims to be on the cutting edge of all health-related practices, we continue to exist primarily in the clinical nutrition setting, helping patients reach their goals through science back practices and protocols. As always, it is important to consult your doctor, dietitian, or naturopath before adding anything new to your diet or supplement regime, adaptogens included. Some adaptogens can interfere with medications’ efficacy, so make sure you carefully research any interactions before incorporating adaptogens into your daily health-care routine.

Adaptogen Recipes:

Ready to start experimenting with your daily dose of adaptogens? Check out some of our favorite superfood recipes to level up your usual health routine. 

Brave Bars

Matcha Latte with Adaptogen Powders

Ashwagandha Sleep Tonic

Adaptogenic Protein Smoothie

Adaptogenic Chia Pudding


Mudwtr Adaptogens

Cordyceps Guide

Anima Mundi Herbals

Organic Authority

Moon Juice

Science of Adaptogens

A Fun History of Adaptogens

A Friendly Guide To Cordyceps Adaptogens

A preliminary review of studies on adaptogens: comparison of their bioactivity in TCM with that of ginseng-like herbs used worldwide

Featured Posts Wellness + Medical Tips

The Perfect Stretch Routine for Remote Workers

Whether you’ve always worked remotely or quarantine has brought your office to your home base, our bodies are affected by the constant slouching over a computer, hours on our cell phones, laying in bed on our laptop, and generally falling into poor posture habits. This is why it’s extra important to stretch out our bodies to protect our joints and alleviate aches and pains. Today, we’re sharing the PERFECT stretch routine for remote workers to ease some tension and pain that’s built up after hours of working from bed, the couch, or whatever you’re using as your current work from home “desk”. 


Our neck is a major culprit of aches and pain related to constantly working from our laptops all day. To make matters worse, once we’re off the clock, many of us spend additional time  hunched over as we scroll through our phone. When our neck is constantly feeling sore or strained, it can lead to headaches and fatigue. Some quick and easy stretches can make all the  difference.

  • Half circles:
    • 10 Neck Circles Forward: Start with your right ear to right shoulder and roll it forward until your left ear reaches your left shoulder, then roll it in the forward direction back to the right. Repeat this ten times
    • 10 Neck Circles Backwards: Start with your right ear to right shoulder and roll it backward until your left ear reaches your left shoulder. Then, roll is back to the right. Repeat this ten times.
  • Nod your head NO 10 times, then YES 10 times
    • You read that right! EASY PEASY! Slowly shake your head NO, then repeat YES!


Our back is another body part that is majorly affected by poor posture, particularly while working from home (we see you working away from the La-Z-Boy!). It’s crucial to lengthen our spine so we don’t end up feeling the effects later on. Here are a few stretches to help lengthen your spine after a long day of hunching over a computer. 

  • Chest Expansion:
    • Interlace your hand behind your back, resting them by your glutes. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and open your chest. Option to take this further by performing it in a standing forward fold position, letting your torso hang heavy and reach your arms back. 
  • Cat Cow:
    • Start in a table top position (on your hands and knees, like a cat). Press the earth away with your palms. Inhale, expand your chest open and gaze up. Exhale, tuck round and curl. Press your upper back to the ceiling and tuck your chin into your chest. Repeat this cycle using your breath to guide your movement. This can also be a good tummy stretch.
  • Seated Torso Twist:
    • Start seated crisscross apple sauce. Place your right hand on your left knee and your left hand by your seat. Inhale, lengthen your spin. Exhale, twist deeper gazing towards the back wall. Once you have taken a few rounds of breath, swap it out and repeat on the other side. 
  • Supine Twist:
    • Start lying on your back. Hug your knees into your chest then let both knees fall to the right. Extend your arms into a T and gaze in the opposite direction of your knees. Stay for a few breaths then repeat on the other side. 


Typing all day can put MAJOR strain on your forearms and wrists, YIKES! Stretching out your wrists after a long day of work can help prevent problems down the road, like arthritis. 

  • Wrist Circles:
    • Grab your right wrist with your left hand. Roll your right wrists ten times each direction. Repeat on the other side. 
  • Roller Coaster Wrists:
    • Interlace your fingers. Perform a roller coaster movement with your hands waving them up and down.
  • Forward/Backward Stretches:
    • Sit on your knees. Place the palms of your hands on the ground in front of you and lean back slightly until you feel a stretch. Hold for a few seconds. Then, place the tops of your hands face down on the ground in front of you and lean back slightly until you feel a stretch. Hold these stretches for as long as feels good. Repeat both stretches twice or three times through. 

Performing this quick stretch routine for remote workers after a day of work can make a world of difference in our overall health and well-being. Stretching helps keep our bodies and muscles from becoming overly tight and can work out the creeks and cracks after a day of sitting with little movement. Although often overlooked, stretching is equally as important as strength training when it comes to correcting and improving poor posture. If you are constantly building muscle without balancing it with regular stretching and mobility work, your muscles will begin to shorten, which can decrease your performance in (and out) of the gym.

We suggest setting the mood when you stretch by lighting a candle and putting on a relaxing playlist. Add in a quick meditation and some deep breathing exercises before or after to get your mind to a place of total relaxation. Because, hey, you earned it after a long day on the clock! This stretch routine for remote workers doesn’t have to be performed at night though, it works  great as a morning routine as well. Whenever you decide to stretch it out,  it’s a great way to destress your mind, improve your posture, and  boost your spirit!

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