Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle

Our Top Tips to Keep the Holidays Healthy

The holidays are a time to celebrate family, friends, and all we have to be thankful for. But sometimes, with all the celebrations, it becomes hard for us to make healthy decisions. Between holiday parties, christmas coffees, and temptations everywhere- sometimes we find ourselves sabotaging our health. 

Top Reasons Why the Holiday Season Can Backtrack Our Results:

  1. Increased alcohol intake
  2. Added refined sugars 
  3. More parties and celebrations 
  4. Flu and virus season is at its peak 
  5. Less time for workouts due to family obligations
  6. The Screw it til New Years Mentality 
  7. Prolonging the holiday (ie. celebrating Thanksgiving food Thursday to Monday or celebrating Christmas from Dec 24-Dec 31)
  8. We make the holidays centered around food and drinks rather than family

Healthy Holiday Tip No. 1: Embrace the mocktail.

*Not always, but sometimes 

***Problem: Too much alcohol affects your health and leads to weight gain

  • Disrupts your immune system, ultimately making you more susceptible to flu and virus season
  • Poor food choices and overconsumption of calories
  • Empty calories 
  • Hangover which leads to poor food choices and missing workouts the next day

***Solution: You can make the conscious decision to replace every one to two cocktails with a “mocktail” instead. Simply replace the bubbly or spirits your cocktail recipe calls for with club soda or, for the added benefits of probiotics, kombucha.

Healthy Holiday Tip No. 2: Make smart recipe swaps.

***Problem: Overconsumption of refined sugar and holiday classics

  • Since we are used to following such a simple macro plan when we get in front of holidays classics, it is not uncommon to over do it
  • Desserts can sometimes be as many calories as you should consume in the entire day
  • All or nothing mentality
  • Recipes tend to have extra ingredients and therefore more calories


  1. Moderation is Key. You can have some of the wonderful treats without going overboard. Try a few bites of the desserts you enjoy and allow yourself to feel satisfied without overdoing it. 
  2. Be a bit more conscious about all of those holiday classics you’re cooking up. Instead of skipping the pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes all together (we’d never ask you to do that), try making small swaps across the board that, together, make a major difference in your calorie and sugar intake. 

Healthy Holiday Tip No. 3: Help your digestive system along

***Problem: Poor eating habits can hinder our digestive system

  • A healthy digestive system is key for getting optimal nourishment from the foods you eat and ensuring your immune system is working its best 
  • All of those refined carbohydrates, alcohol, and saturated fats can also hamper our digestion 


  • Taking care to help your digestive system along through the holidays is one of the most important things you can do to feel less bloated and more comfortable overall. 
    • Keep the skins on your potatoes: Vegetables with skins give us the added fiber our bodies need for optimal digestion.
    • Opt for a whole-grain roll instead of a white one: Whole-grain foods are rich in fiber, which aids in digestion (as opposed to white breads, which contain processed, refined grains and sugars which can hamper digestion).
    • Get plenty of probiotics: From yogurt to kefir and kombucha, make it a point over this holiday season to up your probiotic intake to keep yourself regular and enhance your gut health.
    • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water and clean electrolyte drinks will help you stay hydrated, which is a key part of a well-functioning digestive system. Women should aim for at least 8-11 cups of fluids each day.
    • Get your daily greens: Green leafy vegetables are one of the most beneficial foods you can eat for a healthy digestive system. Try using spinach or kale in a salad that typically calls for romaine—or turn potatoes au gratin into spinach au gratin for a treat that’s just as warm and comforting but twice as nice on your digestive system.

Healthy Holiday Tip No. 4: Don’t make excuses to miss work outs and Get Active Daily!

***Problem: We make excuses to miss workouts and don’t get active during the day

  • We don’t prioritize working out and miss workouts during the holidays


  1. Adjust your movement goals to be more manageable and much more realistic—so they’re less overwhelming and more likely to get you off the coach to achieve them.
  2. Take walks after meals and do active things with the entire family
  3. Prioritize time for your workouts so you can stay on track
  • Set a goal of doing ten push-ups a day and taking a short one-mile walk around the neighborhood
  •  Do 15 squats while you’re waiting for that pie crust to turn golden-brown in the oven, and then take the laundry up the stairs in two separate loads (rather than all at once) to reap the benefits of tackling that staircase twice 

Now that you have all the tips to staying healthy over the holidays- check out our website for more tips and tricks!

Healthy Lifestyle

Breaking Down Diet Restrictions

Everything you need to know about going Plant-based…

  1. Form Complete Proteins

Complete proteins have all nine essential amino acids (Most animal proteins-fish, poultry, eggs, beef, pork, dairy). Incomplete proteins lack one or more essential amino acids (Most plant proteins-Legumes, beans, peas, lentil, nuts, seeds, whole grains, vegetables). It is important to try and form complete proteins with plant-based diets so you get all amino acids.

Some combos for you to try to incorporate:

  • Nuts with a legume
  • Legume with seeds
  • Whole grain toast with peanut butter
  • Brown rice and black beans 
  • Hummus with whole-grain crackers
  • Salad with sunflower seeds and chickpeas
  • Yogurt with walnuts
  • Corn and beans
  • Brown rice with green peas
  1. Distribute your protein throughout the day

 Aim to have 2030 grams of protein in each meal and 15 grams in each of your snacks. (This will vary based on your specific needs.) By spacing out your protein throughout the day, your body will be able to process and use the protein more efficiently.

  1.  Choose whole grain carbs 

Whole grains have more protein and more fiber making them more nutrient-dense.  They will help fuel your body and keep you feeling fuller for longer. 

  1. Use CF(Protein) to supplement your diet

CF(Protein)® was created for both ease and enjoyment. Thirteen grams of delicious, clean plant protein is packed into an 8-oz bottle that can be enjoyed on-the-go! CF(Protein)®  uses pea protein. Pea protein contains all nine essential amino acids. It is easily digestible and has a pleasant taste and texture. Additionally, it is a good source of iron and other nutrients. Unlike other protein powders like whey, pea protein is not a derivative of milk so it can be consumed by those with allergies or following a specialty diet (vegan, vegetarian, paleo, etc.). Click here for CF(Protein)® nutrition information. Unlike other mainstream products, CF Nutrition products are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. They are all certified vegan, halal, and kosher and do not contain gluten. 

Things to add to your diet:

  • Do you eat dairy and eggs? If so, greek yogurt and eggs will be a great option for you.
  • Protein bars are also a great option – aim for <200 cals and >20 g protein when looking for a protein bar.
  • Pumpkin seeds, chia seed, flax seeds, nuts, nut butter, tofu, tempeh are all things you want to add in. 
  • Another great add is nutritional yeast. It has a lot of B vitamins and protein and give your food a cheesy flavor without adding dairy. 

At CF Nutrition, all of our products are plant-based and vegan certified. 

Everything you need to know about Dairy Free…

Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down lactose. If you are lactose intolerant, than you are unable to breakdown and digest lactose. If you have too little off lactase, then you are likely to feel symptoms like bloating, gas, diarrhea, etc. when you consume dairy.  Sometimes, you have NO lactase, this is when you are lactose intolerant and unable to digest milk products. Being lactose intolerant is not the same as having a milk allergy.

  • Lactose intolerance can be hereditary
  • It can develop over time as the body makes less of the enzyme lactase
  • Some babies born prematurely, may not be able to make enough lactase
  • Sometimes, the body will stop making lactase after an injury or disease
  • If you stop eating dairy, your body may lose it’s ability to make lactase

The main nutrients you need to be concerned about if you are lactose intolerant or avoid dairy are vitamin D and calcium. 

NON-dairy sources of Calcium:

  • chia seeds
  • tofu
  • almonds
  • white beans
  • sunflower seeds
  • kale 
  • broccoli
  • soy milk

NON-dairy sources of Vitamin D:

  • fortified cereal and Orange Juice
  • mushrooms
  • salmon
  • eggs
  • the sun shine 🙂

**When looking at dairy free cheeses, just check the ingredients and how much saturated fat and sodium they have – you want low of both. CF Nutrition products also do not contain the most common allergens, including milk, lactose, peanuts and tree nuts, soy, eggs, casein or whey. 

Everything you need to know about Gluten Free…

Celiac disease (Medically required to maintain a gluten-free diet) is a hereditary autoimmune disease that results in damage to the villi (small fingerlike projections that line the small intestine, that promote nutrient absorption) when gluten passes through the intestines. The enzyme protease helps our body break down proteins, although protease cannot break down gluten completely and undigested gluten travels to the small intestine. When damage to the villi occurs, nutrients are absorbed incorrectly. 

Most people can handle undigested gluten, but celiacs cannot. In this case, gluten triggers an autoimmune reaction and unpleasant symptoms. Celiac disease can develop the disease at any age. The treatment is to follow a strict gluten-free diet as there is no cure. The symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bloating fatigue, skin rash, and weight loss. 

A gluten-free diet may also be right for you if you have an allergy or intolerance to gluten or wheat, or if you feel you have symptoms after consuming foods with gluten. These symptoms may include bloating, diarrhea, or gas, among other gastrointestinal issues. 

How to Follow a Gluten-Free Diet

  • The 3 main food groups containing gluten – wheat, barley, and rye. 
  • To follow a gluten-free diet, it is important to avoid all foods that contain these ingredients. 
  • Wheat is commonly found in bread, baked goods, soups, pasta, cereals, sauces, and some salad dressings. 
  • Barley is found in malt, food coloring, soups, beer, and brewer’s yeast. 
  • Rye is found in rye bread, rye beer, and cereals. Unless specified as gluten-free, most pasta, bread, crackers, and baked goods contain gluten.

A gluten-free diet does not mean you have to be without carbohydrates. There are plenty of carbohydrates that do not contain gluten and are suitable for those who cannot tolerate gluten. 

Naturally, gluten-free foods include:

  • Amaranth
  • Arrowroot
  • Beans
  • Buckwheat
  • Cassava
  • Chia
  • Corn
  • Flax
  • Gluten-free oats
  • Nut flours
  • Potato
  • Quinoa
  • Rice
  • Soy
  • Tapioca

Additionally, there are gluten-free options available in restaurants and stores. If you are eating at a restaurant, ask about a gluten-free menu. 

CF Nutrition products are gluten-free and may be suitable for patients with Celiac Disease. 

Certain GI issues are more common in those with Celiac Disease. If you feel CF products cause or worsen symptoms, consult your doctor for recommendations.

Now that you know CF Nutrition products are suitable for most diet restrictions, explore our website to shop!

Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition

How to Keep Your Gut Healthy 

Our gut health is foundational to overall health. That is why it is important to learn how to keep your gut healthy. Today, we will break down the role of our microbiome and what we can do to improve our digestive health. 

The Microbiome 

The gut microbiome is referred to as the microorganisms that live in certain tissues of the body. Everyone has about 200 different species of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in their digestive tract, some good and some not so good. Probiotics are microorganisms that provide a benefit to the host. Prebiotics are substances that feed the probiotics. There can be an imbalance of microbes in the gut so it is important to do all we can to support balance within our microbiome.

Role of Gut Microbiota

Our gut microbiome has several roles within our body. 

Some include:

  • Immune regulation
  • Protecting against bad bacteria
  • Vitamin synthesis
  • Controlling digestive function and appetite regulation
  • Regulating blood sugars
  • Maintain gut lining and integrity 

When there is an imbalance in our gut microbe the following can occur:

  • Obesity
  • Insulin resistance and diabetes
  • Inflammation
  • Poor nutrient absorption
  • Heart disease
  • Changes in memory and cognition

The Gut Brain Connection

Another reason to keep your gut healthy is that our gut and brain actually communicate with one another. The gut is often referred to as your second brain. Poor gut health is linked to depression and anxiety. One example of this is when certain situations can actually make you feel nauseous. Or, have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach when you are nervous or excited? These things happen because of the gut brain connection. Our emotions can trigger symptoms in the gut. 

When we have gastrointestinal distress, the gut can send signals to the brain. A troubled brain can also send signals to the gut. So, problems in the stomach or intestines may cause anxiety, stress, or depression. 

Gut Healthy Eating

Changing our diet and eating well-balanced, nutrient dense and high fiber foods is one way to support our gut health. 

Follow these tips to support your gut:

  • Eat 3-4 cups of non-starchy veggies every day
    • Most veggies except corn, peas, squash, potatoes
    • Get a variety of colors
  • Eat 2 cups of fruit every day
    • Again, include a variety of color
  • Eat 1 handful of nuts and seeds every day
  • Limit saturated fats
  • Eat Phytochemical rich foods like cocoa, tea, coffee, herbs and spices
  • Eat fermented foods like kombucha, kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut
  • Eat prebiotic foods like onion, garlic, asparagus, leeks and artichokes
  • Limit added sugars and overly processed foods
  • Stay hydrated with CF(Rehydrate)®

Getting Enough Fiber Helps Cultivate a Healthy Microbe 

Eating enough fiber is a crucial element in keeping our microbiome healthy. 

Choosing whole grains is one way to increase your fiber intake. Whole grains have much more fiber than simple carbohydrates like white rice or white bread. Another way to get in your fiber is eating beans and legumes. Females should consume 25 grams of fiber per day and males should consume 38 grams of fiber per day. When you increase your intake of fiber, make sure you also increase your intake of water.  Don’t rely on highly processed foods for your fiber intake. Instead, focus on whole foods and variety to cultivate diversity in our microbiome. 

High fiber foods:

  • Peas
  • Oats
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Mung beans
  • Brown Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Amaranth
  • Buckwheat 

It isn’t just about the foods we eat

Diet is an important factor in gut health but there are other ways to help improve our digestive health.

  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Mindful Eating (Do not multitask while eating)
  • Chew food well
  • Optimize meal time 
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Get enough sleep 
  • Walk
  • Practice Yoga

Now you know how to keep your gut healthy, check out our website for more health and wellness tips.

Exercise Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle

Ditch Traditional Sport Drinks and Choose CF Nutrition

Traditional sport drinks are filled with sugar, artificial ingredients and dyes that honestly do more harm than good. CF Nutrition offers superior options that effectively replenish electrolytes without all the harmful ingredients that can be detrimental to your health. Today we break down the difference between our two rehydration beverages as well as discuss why both are better-for-you options.

What is the difference between CF(Rehydrate) and CF(Rehydrate) Immunity+?

CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ are similar in formulations but CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ formula contains an additional dose of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium & Zinc to support customers’ immune health. 

Here is the break down per 12 ounce serving:

  • Zinc:
    • CF(Rehydrate)® contains 20% DV 
    • CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contains 25% DV 
  • Magnesium:
    • CF(Rehydrate)® contains 4% DV 
    • CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contains 10% 
  • Vitamin D:
    • CF(Rehydrate)® does not contain Vitamin D
    • CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contains 25% DV
  • Vitamin C:
    • CF(Rehydrate)® does not contain Vitamin C
    • CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contains 100% DV

When should I drink CF(Rehydrate) Immunity+ over CF(Rehydrate)?

Both CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ are superior options for effective and medical grade hydration. CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ is formulated with functional nutrients that promote immunity and wellness when you need it most. So when your body is under stress of any kind, CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ will help you maintain your health by supporting your immune system. CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ is a great option when you are traveling or recovering from an illness.  

Click here for CF(Rehydrate)® detailed nutrition information & ingredient list.


Click here for CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity + detailed nutrition information & ingredient list.

What makes CF Nutrition products better than traditional sport drinks?

There are various reasons that CF(Rehydrate)® and CF (Rehydrate)® Immunity+ are the superior products when compared  to other hydration drinks. 

Efficient Recovery 

The intentional formulation behind both CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ replenishes lost fluids and essential electrolytes, including those lost quickly through sweat and illness.  CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+also has an ideal combination of carbohydrates and sodium to help you recover quicker. 

No Artificial Colors or Flavors

There are no artificial colors or flavors, so you don’t have to worry about mysterious additives and harmful ingredients. There are also artificial sweeteners and sugars in traditional  zero or low-calorie versions. Some individuals may find these ingredients challenging to digest and can experience gastrointestinal distress after consumption. CF(Rehydrate)® and CF (Rehydrate)® Immunity+ are lightly sweetened with stevia rebaudiana and natural flavors.

Less Added Sugar (By A Lot)

Traditional sports drinks have over 20 grams of added sugar while CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ have less than 1 gram per serving.  The best part is they actually taste delicious and refreshing. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting added sugar to 100 calories per day which equals 24 grams or six teaspoons. Given this information, drinking one 12 ounce bottle of a traditional sports drink would almost equal the recommended amount of added sugar for the entire day.

On average, Americans consume much more added sugar than is recommended. The average sugar consumed per day by Americans is 22 teaspoons. Much of this sugar comes from sugar-sweetened beverages (like sports drinks). The AHA recommends cutting back on sugar to help slow the obesity and heart disease epidemics. Added sugar does not have any nutritional need or benefit. For optimal health, we should avoid products with a lot of added sugar. Consuming added sugar can also lead to developing diabetes.  Although traditional sports drinks may effectively quench thirst, the amount of added sugar may cause more harm than good. 

Vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes to supports immune system

CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contain essential minerals (Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium) while traditional sports drinks do not. These minerals help achieve optimal health and may strengthen immunity.

While most sports drink formulations contain sodium and potassium, they often do not include additional electrolytes such as Magnesium, Selenium, and Phosphorus. CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+  both contain significant amounts of all of these electrolytes. 

Now that you know CF Nutrition offers the best options for sport drinks, visit our website to purchase CF(Rehydrate)® or CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+.

Featured Posts For Med Pros Healthy Lifestyle

Fiber’s Role in Our Diet

Fiber is a crucial component of the diet, yet many of us don’t reach the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). Today we break down how much is recommended and how to incorporate it into your diet. Plus we discuss how CF(Protein)® can help us meet the RDA.

 What is fiber?

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. It helps regulate bowel movements, keep blood glucose levels in the normal range, and helps increase satiety which can support weight management. There are two different types of dietary fiber – soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber passes through the body undigested, unlike other carbohydrates. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and may help lower blood glucose and cholesterol. Examples of foods with soluble fiber are oatmeal, nuts, beans, lentils, apples, and blueberries. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and helps food move through your digestive system. Consuming insoluble fiber helps regulate your digestive system and may help prevent constipation. Some examples of insoluble fiber are wheat, whole wheat bread, whole grain couscous, brown rice, legume, carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

How much should I consume each day?  

The 13 grams of fiber per 8-ounce bottle of CF(Protein)® comes from non-GMO soluble vegetable fiber. The RDA for total fiber intake for men and women 19-50 years of age is 38 grams/day and 25 grams/day, respectively. The RDA for men and women over 51 is 31 grams/day and 21 grams/day, respectively. Consuming CF(Protein)® can help you meet the RDA and get all the benefits of consuming adequate amounts of fiber.

How can I include more in my diet?

Most Americans do not consume enough dietary fiber. On average, Americans consume about 15 grams of fiber per day, far lower than the RDA, regardless of age or gender. The best ways to increase fiber intake are choosing whole grains whenever possible, consuming legumes and beans, and increasing fruit and vegetable intake. Drinking CF(Protein)® can help support you in achieving the RDA because it contains 13 grams per one 8 ounce bottle.

Preventing diseases with adequate fiber:

Fiber may help reduce the risk of developing various diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Studies show that the intake of fiber lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. NHANES cross-sectional Data (2003-2006) showed that intake of whole grains (rich in fiber) was associated with enhancing the effects of statin in lowering cholesterol.

Fiber may help prevent constipation by regulating bowel movements. Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem that many people experience. If you have chronic constipation, you may need to ramp up your fiber intake, and drinking CF(Protein)® is an easy and effective way to do so. As always, if you have a chronic health issue, it is best to speak to your doctor for any specific recommendations.

Fiber can also help maintain a healthy weight. High fiber foods are typically more filling than lower fiber foods. They also help keep you feeling fuller for longer. Satiety is the term used to describe your fullness. Fiber increases satiety after a meal. If you are looking to lose weight, increasing your fiber intake may help by increasing satiety and preventing the intake of excess calories.   

If you are not getting enough fiber, we recommend drinking one CF(Protein)® a day as a simple yet effective way to reap the benefits of adequate fiber intake.

Now that you know everything about fiber, check our our website to purchase CF(Protein)® to easily meet the RDA.

Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle

What are My Protein Needs?

High protein, low fat, low carb, no sugar…….oh my!!! How are we supposed to know how much protein we need when there is so much information out there? Well, it is tough and to be honest- there isn’t a one size fits all approach. Many factors affect your protein needs including age, gender, lean body mass, fitness level, training regimen, and more. However, today we will break down some different scenarios and help you determine a range that may be a good fit for you and your lifestyle. 

Here are a few scenarios that might fit your specific goals:

If you are trying to build muscle…..Your daily protein intake should be between 1.2-2.0 grams/kilogram of body weight. 

If you are an athlete…..Your daily protein intake should be between 1.2-1.7 grams/kilogram of body weight.

If you are trying to maintain weight….. Your daily protein intake should be between 0.8-1.5 grams/kilogram of body weight. 

If you are trying to lose weight….. Your daily protein intake should be between 1.5-2.5 grams/kilogram of body weight. 

If you are preparing for surgery….. Your daily protein intake should be between 1.2-2.0 grams/kilogram of body weight (if you are underweight it should be closer to 2.0 grams/kilogram).

If you are highly active……..Your daily protein intake should be between 2.0-2.5 grams/kilogram of body weight. 

To determine how much protein you need, take your body weight in kilograms and multiply it by your range based on your goals (see the above scenarios).

So, let’s say I am 150LB and I am preparing for surgery:    

Divide your weight in LB by 2.2 to get your weight in kg

o 150/2.2 = 68.2 kg

· Next, multiply your body weight by 1.5 to 2.0

o 68 times 1.5=102; 68 times 2.0=136 g

· So, you should consume 102-136 g per day of protein

*Please note that if you have chronic kidney disease or other specific health conditions please speak to a registered dietitian or your doctor  as your protein needs will be lower. 

Other ways to calculate protein needs:

Another way to determine your protein needs is by taking a percentage of your total calories. Typically, your protein will account for 10-30% of your daily calorie intake. There are 4 grams of protein per calorie. 

Let’s do an example:

I am on a 2000-calorie diet and want my protein to be between my total calories.

2000 calories times 10-30%:

200-600 calories from protein.

200-600/4 (because there are 4 calories per 1 gram of protein)

50- 150 grams of protein per day

*If you want to follow a higher protein diet, you will want to aim closer to 150 grams of protein per day. Whereas if you want to follow a low protein diet, you will aim closer to 50-75 grams of protein per day.

How should I break up my protein throughout the day?

As a general rule of thumb, you want to divide your protein up and have some at each meal and snack. Protein helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer so it is good to include some each time you eat. Depending on your protein needs, you should aim for 15-35 grams of protein at each meal and 5-15 grams of protein at each snack.

Here is an example:

Goal: 100-125 grams of protein/day

Breakfast: 20-25 grams

AM Snack: 10-15 grams

Lunch: 25-30 grams

PM Snack: 10-15 grams

Dinner: 30-35 grams 

Night Snack: 5-10 grams

How much protein is in CF(Protein)®?

Each CF(Protein)® has 13 g of protein per bottle. So, depending on what else you are eating and drinking, and your specific protein needs, consuming 1 to 2 CF(Protein)® drinks per day can help ensure you are optimizing your nutrition and help you to meet your needs. CF(Protein)® is not designed to be a sole source of nutrition. Therefore, consuming whole foods, high in protein, is recommended before and after surgery to meet your protein and calorie needs.

Is CF(Protein)® a meal replacement?

At CF, we encourage all our clients to consume well-balanced meals with a variety of food groups and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Depending on your calorie and protein needs, CF(Protein)® may not provide enough calorie and protein for a complete meal. Each meal you consume should have a balance of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, fiber, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables. Food is fuel so ensuring you are consuming enough calories is of utmost importance. With that being said, if you enjoy drinking CF(Protein)® during breakfast, lunch, or dinner time, we recommend pairing your CF drink with something else to make a complete meal. This could be a piece of whole grain toast with 1/3 an avocado or nut butter or maybe some whole wheat crackers with hummus.

CF(Protein)® can also be consumed as an on-the-go snack. For healthy individuals and those with nutrient deficiencies, it is an excellent addition to ensure a well-rounded, nutrient-dense meal. It contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals derived from fruits and vegetables, along with other healthful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Now that you know your protein needs, shop our website https://drinkclearfast.com/ to stock up on CF(Protein)® to help you reach your goals!

Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition

Top 5 CF Nutrition Summer Recipes

Longer days means more time to spend trying out new delicious recipes. Summer has officially kicked off and the sun is shining at full force. If you are like us, we know you are in desperate need of some refreshing and delicious recipes to cool you down this summer. Today we are bringing you our top 5 recipes using our very own CF Nutrition products. 

#1 Aloha Watermelon Slushy

Nothing is more refreshing than watermelon on a hot summer day. Here is the recipe for our delicious watermelon immunity slushy. It is low in calories and high in hydration.


  • 10 cups seedless watermelon cubes, (pureed watermelon, frozen in an ice cube tray for at least 24 hours)⁠⁠
  • 2–4 tbsp honey⁠⁠
  • Juice of 1 large lime⁠⁠
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint ⁠⁠
  • 1 1/2 cup CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+, Aloha Blend⁠⁠


Let the frozen watermelon cubes sit at room temperature for 5-10 minutes to defrost some. Then, add the cubes, 2 tbsp honey, lime juice, mint, and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ to a high-speed blender.⁠⁠ Pulse the blender until the watermelon starts to break up some, then blend to form a thick, slushy consistency. Adjust the honey to taste, adding more if necessary. If the mixture is too thick for your liking, you can also add in extra CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+.⁠⁠

Divide equally into 4 glasses, serve, and enjoy!

#2 Mango Peach Margarita Mocktails!

Not only is this drink the perfect way to fire up your fiesta (& soothe the spice-factor if you’re like us and love your tacos with a little heat), but it also provides a healthy dose of plant-based protein from all-natural, clean ingredients!⁠


  • 12oz frozen mango chunks⁠
  • 12oz frozen peach slices⁠
  • Extra Ice, for blending⁠
  • 1 bottle CF(Protein)®
  • 1 cup citrus seltzer water⁠
  • 2 tablespoons coconut sugar


Throw the mango & peach chunks into the blender. Top off the blender with ice. Pour in the bottle of CF(Protein)® & seltzer water. Blend until completely smooth, adding more ice if necessary to get it the consistency you want. Pour the drinks and serve them immediately.⁠

#3  Vegan Tropical Overnight Oats

Cooking over a hot stove in the morning just isn’t in in summer. Here we share our favorite summer breakfast idea that will kick off your day right. 


  • 1/4 cup pineapple finely diced⁠
  • 1/4 cup mango finely diced⁠
  • 1/2 rolled oats⁠
  • 1 bottle CF(Protein)®
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds⁠
  • 2 tbsp shredded coconut⁠
  • 1 tsp pure maple syrup⁠


Combine all ingredients in a 16 ounce mason jar, stir to combine, cover and store in the fridge overnight. ⁠⁠Serve up this tropical breakfast treat with an extra pinch of shredded coconut & sliced bananas if you really like things fruity!⁠

#4 Choco-Orange Energy Bites (Vegan Friendly!)⁠

Are you in need of a healthy  summer snack to take with you to the pool or beach? We have you covered with these delicious and nutritious energy bites. 


  • 1/4 cup CF(Rehydrate)⁠®, Orange
  • 1/4 cup fresh orange juice⁠
  • 1 cup pitted Medjool dates⁠
  • 1 1/2 cups oats⁠
  • 1/4 cup toasted chopped walnuts⁠
  • 2 tbsp orange zest (plus more for dusting the energy bites)⁠
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder⁠
  • 2 tbsp cacao nibs⁠


⁠Soak dates in hot water for about 10 minutes or until softened; drain and squeeze to release excess moisture. Set aside.⁠ Add oats to food processor; pulse until coarsely ground. Add walnuts, orange zest, cacao nibs, and cocoa powder; pulse until finely ground.⁠⁠ Add dates, CF(Rehydrate)®, and orange juice; process until mixture comes together into a ball, scraping down sides of bowl as necessary. Roll mixture into 1‑inch balls and coat with additional orange zest (add as much or as little as you’d like to create your perfect orange-chocolate flavor profile!).⁠ Place on parchment paper–lined tray; refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or until firm & then enjoy!⁠

#5 Extra Creamy Cooked Oatmeal (Vegan & Great for the Gut!)⁠

Last on the list is another awesome summer breakfast idea for our oatmeal lovers. 


  • 2 cups rolled oats⁠
  • 2 cups warm water ⁠
  • 2 tbsp pure maple syrup or agave⁠
  • 2 tbsp coconut yogurt⁠
  • 1/2 tsp salt⁠
  • 1/2 cup CF(Protein)®
  • ½ cup water⁠
  • 1 cup coconut milk⁠


Mix together: oats, 2 cups water, pure maple syrup or agave syrup, and yogurt in a large bowl. Cover and let sit on the counter overnight.⁠ In the morning, bring coconut milk, CF(Protein)®, water, salt, and oat mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer. Cover and simmer for around 5 minutes. Watch carefully as these oats cook quickly.⁠ Spoon into bowls and top with a tbsp of coconut butter for some healthy fat and sliced banana. Other topping favorites include a sprinkle of cinnamon & a drizzle of pure maple syrup.

Now you have 5 delicious and nutritious summer snack ideas. So what are you waiting for – head to drinkclearfast.com today to purchase some of our awesome products.

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Our Top 4 Travel Tip to Stay Healthy & Hydrated 

Ever get sick when you travel? Or feel a nasty headache the next day? Well, if this is you, you may not be fueling your body with what it needs to stay healthy and hydrated. Don’t worry, today we break down our top 4 tips to keep you healthy and happy next time you travel.

Tip 1: Drink CF(Rehydrate) Immunity+ 

The best way to hydrate and prepare for a day of travel is with CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+. Not only does CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contain electrolytes for premium hydration, it also has immune-supporting ingredients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Zinc. This makes it a great way to prepare yourself for traveling. Ever get sick right after a plane ride? Well you’re not alone and it is pretty common when being around several people in such a small space. But CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ can help you combat any nasty bug or cold. It is formulated with functional nutrients that promote immunity and wellness when you need it most. Even if you are traveling by car, CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ can help you quickly hydrate yourself and replenish lost electrolytes. 

Top 2: Eat a well balanced breakfast before you travel

 When we have to get on the road early or take a 6 AM flight, it is so easy to skip breakfast—but this will cause more harm than good. On travel days, it is even more crucial to make breakfast a top priority. Some great travel day breakfast ideas are whole-wheat toast with 2 scrambled eggs and ½ an avocado (add veggies to your eggs for a bonus) or oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries. No matter what you decide to eat for breakfast, make sure it is packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. If you’re in a rush, grab CF(Protein)® for a quick and convenient breakfast.

Tip 3: Pack more travel snacks than you think you’ll need

Even though we aren’t physically active when we travel on the road or in the air, we tend to get more hungry than we think. This may lead us to gobble down endless amounts of airplane cookies or stop at fast-food restaurants to get something greasy. We suggest preparing for this midday hunger with some nutritious snacks that will keep you energized for your travel day. 

Some great travel snacks are:

  1. Raw walnuts and popcorn
  2. Banana and peanut butter
  3. Whole-wheat crackers and almond butter
  4. CF(Protein)® 
  5. Celery and carrots with hummus 
  6. Peanut butter and banana sandwich 

Tip 4: Get a good night sleep

One way to make our travel day easier is by getting a good night’s sleep beforehand. It is so easy to leave packing until the last minute and spend all night trying to get our bags under 50 LBS, but getting 7-9 hours of sleep is crucial to kick off your vacation on the right foot. Even if you plan to sleep on the plane or in the car, try your best to get in your ZZZ the night before because let’s face it – sleeping on the plane or in the car isn’t necessarily the quality sleep our bodies deserve.

Now you are ready to take on your travel day and feel your best. Don’t forget to check out our website to purchase CF(Protein)®  and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ for premium hydration and nutrition.

Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition

5 Surprising Sources of Plant-based Protein

Are you tired of steak, chicken, and fish but afraid that plant-based sources of protein won’t cut it? Well, we have some good news for you. Plant-based sources of protein may already be in your diet without you even realizing it. Today, we will break down some surprising sources of protein that you may already be eating in your diet. Going plant-based, or even just adding a few meatless days to your week doesn’t mean you have to eat less protein. Read along to find out some surprising sources of protein. 

#1 Whole Grains

It is pretty common knowledge that whole grains are recommended over simple carbohydrates like white rice, white pasta, and white bread- you get the idea. But there is a reason (more than just the color) that whole grains are the better options. 

Whole grains contain higher amounts of protein than simple carbohydrates. Most of the time, a slice of whole-grain bread will contain about 5 grams of protein, whereas, a piece of white bread has just 2 or 3 grams. Don’t believe us? Next time you’re at the supermarket, pick up whole grain bread and white bread and compare the nutrition facts label. You will notice that while white bread has < 3 grams of protein, whole grain bread will have 4-7 grams of protein. The same goes for things like pasta and rice. Having more protein will help you feel fuller for longer and help blood glucose stabilize.

#2 Black Beans and Brown Rice

A dynamic protein duo is brown rice and black beans. On their own, both provide a great source of fiber and protein but together they make a complete protein with all nine essential amino acids. In one ½ cup serving of black beans, there are 7 grams of protein. And in 1 cup of brown rice, there are about 5 grams of protein. If you pair the two together, you make a complete protein and about 12 grams of protein. Looks like you have your next burrito bowl base!

#3 Vegetables

Have you ever heard the riddle – what has more protein – a pound of broccoli or a pound of beef? Well, you may be surprised to know that the answer is broccoli. In one cup of broccoli, you will find about 3 grams of protein (But think about how much broccoli makes up one whole pound). 

Broccoli isn’t the only veggie that serves as a good protein source. Another vegetable that is high in protein is peas. In just ½ a cup, there are 4 grams of protein. Spinach has 1 gram of protein per 1 cup. That may not seem like a lot but if you ever have cooked spinach, you know that it shrinks quite a bit when cooked. So you can add multiple cups of spinach for multiple grams of protein. One cup of kale contains 2 grams of protein and one cup of mushrooms contains 3 grams of protein. Another powerhouse vegetable is Brussel sprouts, in a 100-gram serving, there are 3.4 grams of protein. A single artichoke has 4 grams of protein and a 100 gram serving of asparagus has 2.2 g of protein. Edamame does more than just pair well with sushi – it provides a whopping 17 g of protein per 1 cup serving. So, as you can see, vegetables can really help beef up your daily protein intake. Add these high-protein veggies to some black beans and brown rice and you may never need to eat chicken again. 

#4 Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is a common cheese substitute for people following a dairy-free diet. You can add it to sauces, pasta, popcorn, vegetables, and more. It is a unique vegan-friendly food with a cheesy flavor. Not only is it tasty, but it also has a very powerful nutrition profile and is a great source of vitamins, especially B vitamins. Additionally, it serves as a great source of protein. At just 60 calories per serving, ¼ cup of nutritional yeast provides 8 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber and just 25 mg of sodium. So next time you are looking to add some flavor, and protein to your meal- check out nutritional yeast. 

#5  Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are well known as a source of omega-3. Omega-3 is the good type of fat that we need to consume daily to help our hearts stay healthy. But what some people don’t realize is chia seeds also are a good source of protein. In one ounce of chia seeds, there are about 5 grams of protein. Chia seeds are 19% protein and have all nine essential amino acids making them a high-quality plant-based protein. They are a great addition to yogurt, oatmeal, pudding, and more. Want to hear even better news? CF(Protein contains chia seed oil in its formulation and provides 13 grams of plant-based protein. Check out our website to buy yours today as a great addition to your everyday diet.

So, as you can see- meat is not essential to meet your protein needs. There are several plant-based sources of protein that are easy to add to your diet. If you are trying to explore a more plant-based lifestyle, use this as a tool to add some high-quality foods to your diet.

Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition

Top 5 Grocery Shopping Tips from a Registered Dietitian

Grocery shopping can be a difficult task, especially if you don’t know exactly what you should be shopping for. Today we break down our top 5 tips on how to grocery shop smart.  We want you to feel prepared next time you hit the supermarket.

Tip 1: Don’t go grocery shopping hungry

Going to the grocery store on an empty stomach can be dangerous. More often than not, grocery shopping on an empty stomach will lead you to buy much more than you need. When we are hungry we tend to pick out things that sound good at the moment. This may lead us to choose items that are a quick fix for hunger like processed snacks. Next time you head to the store, take the time to make sure you have eaten a proper meal or snack beforehand to eliminate excessive purchases. 

Tip 2: Look at the back for the nutrition facts

I am going to let you in on a little secret, the front of a food item is not necessarily the best thing to look at when deciding which product or brand to purchase. Brands use the front of the label to entice you to think their product is better in some way or another. But the front of the food label is not the best place to look for factual information. Some of the sayings on the front of the label may be somewhat false advertising. For example, a loaf of bread may advertise on the front “100% whole grain”. Then, you turn to the back only to find out that it is enriched with whole wheat and may not provide the benefits of a true whole grain. 

We recommend you look at the back of the label for the nutrition facts label. The nutrition facts label is strictly regulated by the FDA and required to provide certain information to the customer. There is no way to trick the consumer on the nutrition facts label and you can clearly see what is in the product you are purchasing. This is the best way to see added sugars, healthy fats, fiber, protein and more!

Tip 3: Buy fresh and frozen fruit and meat when you are grocery shopping

We all know how difficult it is to keep fresh fruit from going bad before we have the chance to eat it. It is devastating to have to throw away fruit that goes moldy. This doesn’t mean you should buy less of it because you can’t finish it in time. Fruit is essential to consume 2-3 a day. With that said, we know it seems inconvenient  to make more than one trip to the grocery store in a week. Today we will let you in on a solution.

One way to save yourself having to back multiple trips to the grocery store is to stock up on both fresh and frozen fruits. Frozen fruit is just as nutritious as fresh fruit. Frozen fruit is picked at peak of ripeness and then flash-frozen to preserve optimal nutrition. They last for several months in the freezer. So buy as much fresh fruit that you know you can consume before it goes bad. Then, stock up on frozen fruit from there. I always try to keep frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, and frozen mangos in my fridge for when I run out of fresh fruit. Frozen blueberries are great for adding to your oatmeal and frozen mangoes and strawberries are delicious for smoothies.

What about meat?

Just like fresh fruit, fresh or raw meat is another item that might be difficult to consume before it goes bad. Especially since raw meat can’t be kept for too long in the fridge before it is no longer safe to eat. One way to fix this problem is to plan ahead before your next trip to the store. Make a list of how many times you are going to need raw meat for your lunches and dinners and don’t overbuy. If you plan to make salmon on Monday, chicken on Wednesday, and ground turkey on Friday, stick to just buying enough to make those 3 meals. Then, stock your freezer with frozen meat and fish in case you decide to cook meat again that week. This will eliminate food waste and ensure you aren’t buying more than you can cook. 

Tip 4: Buy local and in-season produce

The best products to buy are local and in-season. Although it is easy to consume the same fruits and vegetables that we are used to year-round, you are truly doing yourself a disservice by not consuming seasonal foods. At CF Nutrition, we encourage you to educate yourself on seasonal foods to improve your health and get the tastiest and freshest produce available.  As an added bonus, buying fruits and vegetables that are in season will be the more affordable option. Not only that, buying fruits and vegetables in season is going to have more nutritional value. Eating the same 3 fruits and vegetables every day is a common trait for many people, but all fruits and vegetables have different nutritional compositions and have different vitamins and minerals. To get all the nutrients we need, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is crucial.

Tip 5: Avoid foods with artificial ingredients

The ingredient list on some items at the store can get quite long and confusing. So in addition to reading the nutrition fact label for calories, macronutrients and sugar, make sure you look at the ingredient list. The FDA also regulates the ingredient list. The ingredient list is structured so that the item that has the largest amount is listed first and then in descending order after that. So if you see sugar listed as the last ingredient that is much better than if you see it listed first. 

Our biggest tip for reading the nutrition label is to try to purchase foods where you can actually read all of the ingredients. More often than not, the fewer ingredients the better. So look for items with a short and simple list. 

All of CF Nutrition’s products are free from artificial and synthetic ingredients. We pride ourselves on using ingredients that you as the consumer will be proud to put into your body. Our ingredient list has everything your body needs and nothing it doesn’t. 

Now you have all the tips and tricks you need for your next grocery shopping trip. And don’t forget to check out our blog for more health and wellness tips.

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