Featured Posts For Med Pros

CF Nutrition Pairs With Goldfinch Health to Help Reduce Opioid Use Post Surgery

The overuse of opioids after surgery has become a worldwide issue. Though important after surgery to reduce pain, opioids have become misused causing chronic use and addiction. Goldfinch Health has designed a program to help reduce the use of opioids post surgery. They have teamed up with CF Nutrition to include CF(Preop)® as part of their Prepared for Surgery Toolkit. Today, we break down what the program and kit entails and how it may help millions with opioid addiction. 

What is the Billion Pill Pledge Program?

The Billion Pill Pledge Program was designed to help reduce the need for opioids post surgery. Opioids are important and serve a purpose in reducing pain after surgery. However, over the years, the use of opioids after surgery has developed into misuse and addiction affecting the lives of many. The mission of the Billion Pill Pledge Program is to help resolve this crisis by implementing Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) protocols, like the use of CF(Preop)®, to reduce the need for opioids. The Billion Pill Pledge Program is currently in the pilot phase and has rolled out into 4 rural hospitals in Iowa. 

The program was designed by Goldfinch Health and the cofounder John Greenwood aims to remove billions of unused opioids with the program. With this program, patients are given a care package before their procedure.

 The care package includes:

  • Ice and heat packs
  • A drug disposal bag
  • One bottle of CF(Preop)®

The goal of the kit is to reduce pain using non-addictive procedures so that the need for opioids is eliminated or at least reduced. 

How will CF(Preop)® help reduce opioid use?

The intention of Goldfinch Health in including CF(Preop)® is to help the patient’s pain tolerance. CF(Preop)® is a clear, colorless drink specifically formulated by an anesthesiologist for safe consumption hours before surgery. CF(Preop)®  is formulated for surgery and meets the ASA® requirements to make it safe for consumption before your surgery. Choosing to drink CF(Preop)® before your surgery helps you feel back to normal as soon as possible. 

The main ERAS® principles include protocols for preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care. All ERAS® protocols aim to lessen the body’s response to surgical trauma and maintain normal physiological function during surgery. Preoperative carbohydrate loading with CF(Preop)® is one of the preoperative principles of ERAS®. The American Society of Anesthesia has promoted the use of clear carbohydrate beverages up to 2 hours before surgery to help reduce dehydration among patients. 

Non-opioid oral analgesia NSAID is one of the postoperative protocols in ERAS®.  The more ERAS® principles observed throughout the patient’s surgical journey, the better the chances for a smooth recovery with reduced complications. All ERAS® protocols are evidence-based and require patient education as well as a knowledgeable team approach. 

CF Nutrition is beyond excited to be a part of the Billion Pill Pledge Initiative to help save the lives of many and reduce the opioid crisis worldwide.

Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle

Our Top Tips to Keep the Holidays Healthy

The holidays are a time to celebrate family, friends, and all we have to be thankful for. But sometimes, with all the celebrations, it becomes hard for us to make healthy decisions. Between holiday parties, christmas coffees, and temptations everywhere- sometimes we find ourselves sabotaging our health. 

Top Reasons Why the Holiday Season Can Backtrack Our Results:

  1. Increased alcohol intake
  2. Added refined sugars 
  3. More parties and celebrations 
  4. Flu and virus season is at its peak 
  5. Less time for workouts due to family obligations
  6. The Screw it til New Years Mentality 
  7. Prolonging the holiday (ie. celebrating Thanksgiving food Thursday to Monday or celebrating Christmas from Dec 24-Dec 31)
  8. We make the holidays centered around food and drinks rather than family

Healthy Holiday Tip No. 1: Embrace the mocktail.

*Not always, but sometimes 

***Problem: Too much alcohol affects your health and leads to weight gain

  • Disrupts your immune system, ultimately making you more susceptible to flu and virus season
  • Poor food choices and overconsumption of calories
  • Empty calories 
  • Hangover which leads to poor food choices and missing workouts the next day

***Solution: You can make the conscious decision to replace every one to two cocktails with a “mocktail” instead. Simply replace the bubbly or spirits your cocktail recipe calls for with club soda or, for the added benefits of probiotics, kombucha.

Healthy Holiday Tip No. 2: Make smart recipe swaps.

***Problem: Overconsumption of refined sugar and holiday classics

  • Since we are used to following such a simple macro plan when we get in front of holidays classics, it is not uncommon to over do it
  • Desserts can sometimes be as many calories as you should consume in the entire day
  • All or nothing mentality
  • Recipes tend to have extra ingredients and therefore more calories


  1. Moderation is Key. You can have some of the wonderful treats without going overboard. Try a few bites of the desserts you enjoy and allow yourself to feel satisfied without overdoing it. 
  2. Be a bit more conscious about all of those holiday classics you’re cooking up. Instead of skipping the pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes all together (we’d never ask you to do that), try making small swaps across the board that, together, make a major difference in your calorie and sugar intake. 

Healthy Holiday Tip No. 3: Help your digestive system along

***Problem: Poor eating habits can hinder our digestive system

  • A healthy digestive system is key for getting optimal nourishment from the foods you eat and ensuring your immune system is working its best 
  • All of those refined carbohydrates, alcohol, and saturated fats can also hamper our digestion 


  • Taking care to help your digestive system along through the holidays is one of the most important things you can do to feel less bloated and more comfortable overall. 
    • Keep the skins on your potatoes: Vegetables with skins give us the added fiber our bodies need for optimal digestion.
    • Opt for a whole-grain roll instead of a white one: Whole-grain foods are rich in fiber, which aids in digestion (as opposed to white breads, which contain processed, refined grains and sugars which can hamper digestion).
    • Get plenty of probiotics: From yogurt to kefir and kombucha, make it a point over this holiday season to up your probiotic intake to keep yourself regular and enhance your gut health.
    • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water and clean electrolyte drinks will help you stay hydrated, which is a key part of a well-functioning digestive system. Women should aim for at least 8-11 cups of fluids each day.
    • Get your daily greens: Green leafy vegetables are one of the most beneficial foods you can eat for a healthy digestive system. Try using spinach or kale in a salad that typically calls for romaine—or turn potatoes au gratin into spinach au gratin for a treat that’s just as warm and comforting but twice as nice on your digestive system.

Healthy Holiday Tip No. 4: Don’t make excuses to miss work outs and Get Active Daily!

***Problem: We make excuses to miss workouts and don’t get active during the day

  • We don’t prioritize working out and miss workouts during the holidays


  1. Adjust your movement goals to be more manageable and much more realistic—so they’re less overwhelming and more likely to get you off the coach to achieve them.
  2. Take walks after meals and do active things with the entire family
  3. Prioritize time for your workouts so you can stay on track
  • Set a goal of doing ten push-ups a day and taking a short one-mile walk around the neighborhood
  •  Do 15 squats while you’re waiting for that pie crust to turn golden-brown in the oven, and then take the laundry up the stairs in two separate loads (rather than all at once) to reap the benefits of tackling that staircase twice 

Now that you have all the tips to staying healthy over the holidays- check out our website for more tips and tricks!

Featured Posts For Med Pros Preparing for Surgery Presurgery Nutrition

What is ERAS®?

     ERAS® stands for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. In the 1990s, Professor Henrik Kehlet founded Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®), specifically in colorectal surgeries. There is now available research on ERAS in colorectal, vascular, thoracic, urosurgery, spine, neurosurgery, orthopedic, liver, pancreatic, and cardiac surgery. In the early 2000’s an ERAS society was formed that dedicated time to research preoperative care to improve recovery after surgery. The ERAS® society discovered that some traditional practices were no longer the best practice through evidence-based research. Since then, ERAS has gained much more consideration because of its overall advantageous effect on recovery after surgery, increased patient comfort, psychological well-being, decreased complications post-surgery, and reduced length of stay (LOS). 

What are the main pillars of ERAS®?

      The main ERAS® principles include protocols for preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care. All ERAS® protocols aim to lessen the body’s response to surgical trauma and maintain normal physiological function during surgery. 

ERAS® preoperative principles include:

  • pre admission counseling
  • fluid and carbohydrate loading
  • removing prolonged fasting
  • no/selective bowel preparation
  • antibiotic prophylaxis
  • thromboprophylaxis
  • no premedication

ERAS® intraoperative protocols include:

  • short-acting anesthetic agents
  • no drains
  • mid-thoracic epidural anesthesia
  • avoidance of salt and water overload
  • maintenance of normothermia

ERAS® postoperative protocols include:

  •  mid-thoracic epidural anesthesia
  • no nasogastric tubes
  • prevention of nausea and vomiting
  • avoidance of salt and water overload
  • early removal of the catheter
  • early oral nutrition
  • non-opioid oral analgesia NSAID
  • early mobilization
  • stimulation of gut motility
  • an audit of compliance and outcomes

What is the goal of ERAS® protocols? 

       As mentioned before, the goal of ERAS® protocols is to reduce the stress response of surgery. When the body undergoes surgical trauma, it can result in a metabolic state of stress. When the body is in this catabolic state, recovery will be slower, and complications are more likely to occur. Some complications associated with this exaggerated stress response are pain, paralytic ileus, increased cardiac demand, respiratory difficulties, increased insulin resistance, and increased infections. These complications lead to delayed recovery post-surgery. By lessening the body’s response to stress, ERAS® protocols help achieve early recovery and decrease LOS. Increased LOS and increased complications post-surgery is a significant issue for many medical professionals. ERAS® is beneficial to both the hospitals due to decreased LOS and costs and the patient as it increases patients comfort, reduces anxiety, and leads to faster recovery. 

Nutrition’s Role in ERAS®

    Nutritional status is critical before surgery. Ideally, a nutritional assessment is done before any surgery to reduce the risk of postoperative complications, increased length of stay, and infection risk. A patient can be diagnosed with mild or severe malnutrition by the MD. A Registered Dietitian assesses the patient for mild to severe malnutrition. The following criteria from Academy Adult Malnutrition Criteria (ASPEN) help to identify moderate malnutrition. A patient must have at least two of following to be diagnosed with moderate malnutrition: weight loss >2% in 1 week, >5% in one month, or >7.5% in 3 months; Energy intake less than or equal to 50% compared to estimated needs for greater than or equal to 5 days; Moderate body fat depletion; Moderate muscle mass depletion; Moderate to Severe Fluid Accumulation; and reduced grip strength. Furthermore, a patient must have at least two of the following to be diagnosed with severe malnutrition: Weight loss 1-2% in 1 week, 5% in one most, 7.5% in 3 months; Energy intake <75% compared to estimated needs in 7 days; mild body fat depletion; mild muscle mass depletion; Mild fluid accumulation; and Reduced grip strength. 

How to correct malnutrition before surgery?

If you need to correct malnutrition before surgery, using CF(Protein)® is a great way to build muscle and strength for a speedy recovery. Other ways to improve nutritional status can include enteral or parenteral nutrition. Obese patients may need to lose excess weight before surgery.

Why should you use CF(Preop)® over the NPO approach?

     Before ERAS® protocols, the traditional approach to surgery was to fast after midnight before surgery to decrease aspiration risk. In the 1990s, evidence-based research suggested that this was not necessary. Furthermore, there are detrimental effects caused by this period of prolonged fasting. Prolonged fasting worsens the catabolic state, increases metabolic stress, hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance. Furthermore, when the body fasts for a lengthy time, glycogen stores are depleted, leading to protein and muscle breakdown. Postoperative insulin resistance (PIR), a result of the stress response from surgery and further exaggerated with prolonged fasting, is directly related to delayed wound healing, increased morbidity/mortality, and LOS. PIR must decrease to enhance recovery after surgery.

Preoperative carbohydrate loading maximizes glycogen stores in the body as an energy source to minimize body tissues’ degeneration and reduce insulin resistance. By changing the metabolic state by shortening preoperative fasting (aka providing a complex carbohydrate 2-3 hours before surgery), PIR will decrease, protein loss reduces, and muscle function will improve. Additionally, preoperative carbohydrate loading increases patients’ comfort and reduces hunger, thirst, and anxiety, leading to surgery, all decreasing stress entering surgery. 

Specific Amounts of Nutrients Needed to Support Enhanced Recovery

CF(Preop)®  is a clear, colorless drink specifically formulated by an anesthesiologist for safe consumption hours before surgery. Each of its premium ingredients promote the highest level of pre surgery safety, comfort, and nourishment. It is designed to lower the risk of surgical site infections, reduce post-op recovery time, minimize post-op complication risk, and promote comfort and minimize stress. 

CF(Preop)®  is formulated for surgery and has all the ASA requirements to make it safe for consumption before your surgery. These requirements include a low osmolarity of 270mOsm to promote gastric emptying. It is clear and colorless and has no fat or protein and contains 50g CHO to shift the body from a fasted to fed state and promote enhanced recovery. It contains maltodextrin to help replenish glycogen depletion by catabolism related to fasting and surgery. Choosing to drink CF(Preop)® before your surgery helps you feel back to normal as soon as possible. 

Now that you know everything about ERAS® and how to prepare for surgery, visit our website to learn more. 

Featured Posts Medical Professionals Nutrition Wellness + Medical Tips

CF(Protein)®- Plant Based Protein Beverage

   CF(Protein)® is a plant-based protein drink that provides a concentrated dose of natural electrolytes, antioxidants, and essential fats. It can be used as a delicious addition to your everyday diet or the ideal supplement to improve overall health before surgery. 

CF(Protein)® Benefits:

  • Promotes muscle maintenance and recovery
  • Comprehensive nutrition on the go
  • Strengthens immune support
  • Reduces risk of malnourishment 
  • Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients
  • Concentrated nutrition on the go
  • Healthy omega-three and omega-six fats
  • Naturally derived vitamin and minerals
  • Essential amino acids
  • Natural fiber sources
  • Shelf-stable
  • Gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO, vegan and dairy-free
  • Convenient on the go protein source

CF(Protein)® Ingredients: 

   CF(Protein)® uses plant protein that is easily digested with yellow pea protein, contributing a significant amino acid dose that promotes muscle recovery and repair. CF(Protein)® has complex carbohydrates derived from fruit. This makes CF(Protein)® a rich energy source without any added sugar. There are no cheap, low-quality additives or simple sugars seen in other protein drinks. CF(Protein)® also contains healthy fats, mono and polyunsaturated fats. The use of chia seed oil provides consumers with essential omega-three and omega-six fatty acids to minimize inflammation and help prevent cardiovascular disease. CF(Protein)® also contains turmeric, which may help support your immune system. 

CF(Protein)® Nutrient Information per 8-ounce bottle:

• Calories: 200

• Total fat: 6g

• Saturated fat: 1g

• Sodium: 230mg

• Total Carbohydrate: 29g

• Dietary Fiber: 13 g

• Total Sugar: 14g

• Includes 0 added sugar

• Protein: 13g 

CF(Protein)® Compared to Other Similar Products:

    CF(Protein)® uses natural ingredients and is free from artificial flavors and dyes. Competitors of CF(Protein)® use ingredients like sugar, high oleic safflower oil, cellulose gel, and cellulose gum. Additionally, other products on the market contain added sugar that can lead to diabetes and other health conditions. CF(Protein)® had 0g of added sugar.  Ideally, consumers should limit added sugar as much as possible in the diet. Consuming added sugar can lead to overweight and obesity and may increase your risk for developing diabetes and even cancer. Added sugars should be no more than 10% of total calories. CF(Protein)® also stands out from its competitors because it has 13g dietary fiber to promote GI regularity and increase satiety. Most Americans fall short of the recommended amount of fiber. The RDA for fiber is 38g for adult males under 50 and 30g for adult males over 50. The RDA for women 50 years and younger is 25g/day, and for women over 51, 21g/day. It is essential to get enough fiber because it will help normalize bowel movements, help manage blood sugars, increase satiety, and help lower cholesterol. Consuming CF(Protein)® will help you achieve the RDA for fiber. 

      At CF Nutrition, we feel CF(Protein)® is superior to other protein supplements due to its natural, clean, immune-supporting ingredients and high fiber and low added sugar content. CF(Protein)® is a well-balanced, nutrient-rich protein drink that will help increase your energy levels and support your immunity. Unlike other protein drinks, there is no added sugar, and one 8-ounce bottle allows you to meet almost ½ of the RDA for fiber. Several detrimental effects to consuming added sugar, including high blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver, all like an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. With CF(Protein)®, you can find peace knowing there is no added sugar or artificial ingredients. Additionally, it has omega-three essential fatty acids that will help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases. 

So what are you waiting for? Now that you know CF(Protein)® is the best plant based protein drink on the market, visit our website to purchase yours today!

Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition

How to Keep Your Gut Healthy 

Our gut health is foundational to overall health. That is why it is important to learn how to keep your gut healthy. Today, we will break down the role of our microbiome and what we can do to improve our digestive health. 

The Microbiome 

The gut microbiome is referred to as the microorganisms that live in certain tissues of the body. Everyone has about 200 different species of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in their digestive tract, some good and some not so good. Probiotics are microorganisms that provide a benefit to the host. Prebiotics are substances that feed the probiotics. There can be an imbalance of microbes in the gut so it is important to do all we can to support balance within our microbiome.

Role of Gut Microbiota

Our gut microbiome has several roles within our body. 

Some include:

  • Immune regulation
  • Protecting against bad bacteria
  • Vitamin synthesis
  • Controlling digestive function and appetite regulation
  • Regulating blood sugars
  • Maintain gut lining and integrity 

When there is an imbalance in our gut microbe the following can occur:

  • Obesity
  • Insulin resistance and diabetes
  • Inflammation
  • Poor nutrient absorption
  • Heart disease
  • Changes in memory and cognition

The Gut Brain Connection

Another reason to keep your gut healthy is that our gut and brain actually communicate with one another. The gut is often referred to as your second brain. Poor gut health is linked to depression and anxiety. One example of this is when certain situations can actually make you feel nauseous. Or, have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach when you are nervous or excited? These things happen because of the gut brain connection. Our emotions can trigger symptoms in the gut. 

When we have gastrointestinal distress, the gut can send signals to the brain. A troubled brain can also send signals to the gut. So, problems in the stomach or intestines may cause anxiety, stress, or depression. 

Gut Healthy Eating

Changing our diet and eating well-balanced, nutrient dense and high fiber foods is one way to support our gut health. 

Follow these tips to support your gut:

  • Eat 3-4 cups of non-starchy veggies every day
    • Most veggies except corn, peas, squash, potatoes
    • Get a variety of colors
  • Eat 2 cups of fruit every day
    • Again, include a variety of color
  • Eat 1 handful of nuts and seeds every day
  • Limit saturated fats
  • Eat Phytochemical rich foods like cocoa, tea, coffee, herbs and spices
  • Eat fermented foods like kombucha, kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut
  • Eat prebiotic foods like onion, garlic, asparagus, leeks and artichokes
  • Limit added sugars and overly processed foods
  • Stay hydrated with CF(Rehydrate)®

Getting Enough Fiber Helps Cultivate a Healthy Microbe 

Eating enough fiber is a crucial element in keeping our microbiome healthy. 

Choosing whole grains is one way to increase your fiber intake. Whole grains have much more fiber than simple carbohydrates like white rice or white bread. Another way to get in your fiber is eating beans and legumes. Females should consume 25 grams of fiber per day and males should consume 38 grams of fiber per day. When you increase your intake of fiber, make sure you also increase your intake of water.  Don’t rely on highly processed foods for your fiber intake. Instead, focus on whole foods and variety to cultivate diversity in our microbiome. 

High fiber foods:

  • Peas
  • Oats
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Mung beans
  • Brown Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Amaranth
  • Buckwheat 

It isn’t just about the foods we eat

Diet is an important factor in gut health but there are other ways to help improve our digestive health.

  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Mindful Eating (Do not multitask while eating)
  • Chew food well
  • Optimize meal time 
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Get enough sleep 
  • Walk
  • Practice Yoga

Now you know how to keep your gut healthy, check out our website for more health and wellness tips.

Featured Posts For Med Pros Preparing for Surgery

CF(Preop)® Before Surgery

Is CF(Preop)® safe before surgery?

Yes, CF(Preop)® is safe before surgery. CF(Preop)® was designed to be a pre-surgical drink. When you order CF(Preop)® you will be sent two bottles. One to be taken the night before your procedure, and one to be taken up to two hours prior to your surgery.

Since 1999 (and republished in 2011 & 2017) the American Society of Anesthesiologists guidelines on preoperative fasting have dictated that it is safe for healthy patients to have clear liquids up to 2 hours before surgery.

Click here to see the latest guidelines from the American Society for Anesthesiologists. 

Why was NPO even started?

Before Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) protocols were discovered, the traditional approach was to fast after midnight prior to surgery to decrease the risk for aspiration. In the 1990’s, evidence-based research suggested that this was not necessary. Furthermore, there are detrimental effects caused by this period of prolonged fasting. Prolonged fasting worsens the catabolic state, increases metabolic stress, hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. Furthermore, when the body is fasted for a prolonged time, glycogen stores are depleted which can lead to protein and muscle breakdown. Postoperative insulin resistance (PIR), a result of the stress response from surgery and further exaggerated with prolonged fasting, is directly related to delayed wound healing, increased morbidity/mortality and length of stay. 

Why is CF(Preop)® consumed up to 2 hours before surgery?

It takes approximately 90 minutes for the oral carbohydrate solution to pass the stomach. Solid foods can be ingested up to 6 hours prior to surgery. The amount of carbohydrate to induce an effect must be enough to shift the body from a fasted to a fed state (50g carbohydrate 2 hours prior to surgery). There is no protein or fat in CF(Preop)® in order for it to safely empty your stomach before surgery. 

If you or your patient have delayed gastric emptying due to an underlying condition,  CF(Preop)®  should be consumed 3-4 hours before the procedure. 

How can I be sure that CF(Preop)® is out of my system in time?

Low osmolarity 240mosmol/l solution is also recommended to promote effective gastric emptying and dispel concerns for gastric emptying. CF(Preop)® meets this requirement. The recommended approach is to provide a carbohydrate drink with complex carbohydrates 800mL at bedtime and 400mL 2 hours prior to any procedure. The drink should contain 12.5% maltodextrin to allow for complete gastric emptying prior to surgery. CF(Preop)® meets this requirement as well so there is no concern for delayed gastric emptying.

What are the benefits of CF(Preop)®?

To enhance recovery after surgery, it is important to decrease PIR. Preoperative carbohydrate loading maximizes glycogen stores in the body as an energy source in order to minimize degeneration of body tissues and reduce insulin resistance. By changing the metabolic state, by shortening preoperative fasting (aka providing a complex carbohydrate 2-3 hours prior to surgery like CF(Preop)®, PIR will be decreased, protein loss will be reduced, and muscle function will improve. Additionally, preoperative carbohydrate loading increases patients comfort and reduces hunger, thirst, and anxiety, all decreasing stress entering surgery. In conclusion, consuming CF(Preop)®before your procedure is not only safe but also beneficial in your recovery outcomes.

Now you know everything you need to know about CF(Preop)® and why it is so important to consume before surgery.

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Staying on Track This Fall

And just like that, summer is over and we head into a new season. As fall begins and  the holiday season approaches, we want to help you enjoy all of your favorite fall foods without packing on unwanted pounds. Part of enjoying the fall season is sipping on pumpkin spice lattes and enjoying apple pie, and we get it. So, today we will break down ways for you to enjoy this season while also staying on track with your health and fitness goals. 

Tip 1: Enjoy your favorite foods in moderation

Moderation is possibly the most important thing to remember this season. It is unrealistic to think you will not have one baked treat or pumpkin spice latte this whole season and quite frankly who would want to go all of fall without these delicious treats? Not us. At CF Nutrition, we encourage you to enjoy your favorite recipes and sweet treats in moderation.

 If you want a pumpkin spice latte, ask for a grande instead of a venti and ask for it ½ sweet. Did you know a grande from your favorite coffee shop typically has 4-6 pumps of syrup? That’s a whole lot of sweetness. Asking for your drinks ½ sweet will reduce your intake of added sugar. You can also ask for your latte with almond milk to reduce the amount of calories in your drink. 

Now we know fall is about more than just pumpkin spice lattes (or is it?), but this is just one example of practicing moderation. We encourage you to enjoy all of your fall favorites in moderation. Maybe having a few bites of pie, or ½ of a cookie. Although delicious, several of these yummy treats are high in calories and added sugar, so going for smaller portions will help you reduce excess calories that may hinder your health and fitness goals. 

Tip 2: Take a healthy twist on your favorite recipes

In today’s society, there are several healthy versions of our favorite fall treats. Look up ways to take a healthy twist on your favorite fall recipes. Also consider cooking with seasonal fruits and veggies like butternut squash, pumpkin, and apples. Eating in season can help you get more benefits from the fruits and vegetables you consume. 

What’s in Season This Fall:

  • Butternut squash
  • Apples
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots 
  • Pumpkin
  • Cranberries

Tip 3: Support your immune system with CF(Rehydrate) Immunity+

As the weather and season change, the cold and flu are also upon us. Vitamin and minerals are crucial to supporting your immune system and fighting off any virus we may come across.  Drinking CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ can help meet the recommended daily amounts (RDA) of specific vitamins and minerals that support immunity. Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and a well-balanced diet is also crucial, but CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ is an excellent addition to any healthy diet. 

Tip 4: Enjoy fall activities with the whole family

There is more to fall than showing down on yummy foods. One way to stay on track while still enjoying all this season has to offer is getting active with your whole family. 

Enjoy the following with your loved ones:

  • Apple picking
  • Walking around a pumpkin patch
  • Visit a haunted trail 
  • Go for a hike
  • Go for a bike ride and see the changing leaves

Fall is a wonderful time to enjoy food, family, and football. Now you have all the tips and tricks to stay on track while still enjoying the fall season. And don’t forget to head to our website to purchase CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ to stay healthy this fall.

Exercise Featured Posts Healthy Lifestyle

Ditch Traditional Sport Drinks and Choose CF Nutrition

Traditional sport drinks are filled with sugar, artificial ingredients and dyes that honestly do more harm than good. CF Nutrition offers superior options that effectively replenish electrolytes without all the harmful ingredients that can be detrimental to your health. Today we break down the difference between our two rehydration beverages as well as discuss why both are better-for-you options.

What is the difference between CF(Rehydrate) and CF(Rehydrate) Immunity+?

CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ are similar in formulations but CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ formula contains an additional dose of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium & Zinc to support customers’ immune health. 

Here is the break down per 12 ounce serving:

  • Zinc:
    • CF(Rehydrate)® contains 20% DV 
    • CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contains 25% DV 
  • Magnesium:
    • CF(Rehydrate)® contains 4% DV 
    • CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contains 10% 
  • Vitamin D:
    • CF(Rehydrate)® does not contain Vitamin D
    • CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contains 25% DV
  • Vitamin C:
    • CF(Rehydrate)® does not contain Vitamin C
    • CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contains 100% DV

When should I drink CF(Rehydrate) Immunity+ over CF(Rehydrate)?

Both CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ are superior options for effective and medical grade hydration. CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ is formulated with functional nutrients that promote immunity and wellness when you need it most. So when your body is under stress of any kind, CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ will help you maintain your health by supporting your immune system. CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ is a great option when you are traveling or recovering from an illness.  

Click here for CF(Rehydrate)® detailed nutrition information & ingredient list.


Click here for CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity + detailed nutrition information & ingredient list.

What makes CF Nutrition products better than traditional sport drinks?

There are various reasons that CF(Rehydrate)® and CF (Rehydrate)® Immunity+ are the superior products when compared  to other hydration drinks. 

Efficient Recovery 

The intentional formulation behind both CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ replenishes lost fluids and essential electrolytes, including those lost quickly through sweat and illness.  CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+also has an ideal combination of carbohydrates and sodium to help you recover quicker. 

No Artificial Colors or Flavors

There are no artificial colors or flavors, so you don’t have to worry about mysterious additives and harmful ingredients. There are also artificial sweeteners and sugars in traditional  zero or low-calorie versions. Some individuals may find these ingredients challenging to digest and can experience gastrointestinal distress after consumption. CF(Rehydrate)® and CF (Rehydrate)® Immunity+ are lightly sweetened with stevia rebaudiana and natural flavors.

Less Added Sugar (By A Lot)

Traditional sports drinks have over 20 grams of added sugar while CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ have less than 1 gram per serving.  The best part is they actually taste delicious and refreshing. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends limiting added sugar to 100 calories per day which equals 24 grams or six teaspoons. Given this information, drinking one 12 ounce bottle of a traditional sports drink would almost equal the recommended amount of added sugar for the entire day.

On average, Americans consume much more added sugar than is recommended. The average sugar consumed per day by Americans is 22 teaspoons. Much of this sugar comes from sugar-sweetened beverages (like sports drinks). The AHA recommends cutting back on sugar to help slow the obesity and heart disease epidemics. Added sugar does not have any nutritional need or benefit. For optimal health, we should avoid products with a lot of added sugar. Consuming added sugar can also lead to developing diabetes.  Although traditional sports drinks may effectively quench thirst, the amount of added sugar may cause more harm than good. 

Vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes to supports immune system

CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+ contain essential minerals (Zinc, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Selenium) while traditional sports drinks do not. These minerals help achieve optimal health and may strengthen immunity.

While most sports drink formulations contain sodium and potassium, they often do not include additional electrolytes such as Magnesium, Selenium, and Phosphorus. CF(Rehydrate)® and CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+  both contain significant amounts of all of these electrolytes. 

Now that you know CF Nutrition offers the best options for sport drinks, visit our website to purchase CF(Rehydrate)® or CF(Rehydrate)® Immunity+.

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Fiber’s Role in Our Diet

Fiber is a crucial component of the diet, yet many of us don’t reach the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). Today we break down how much is recommended and how to incorporate it into your diet. Plus we discuss how CF(Protein)® can help us meet the RDA.

 What is fiber?

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. It helps regulate bowel movements, keep blood glucose levels in the normal range, and helps increase satiety which can support weight management. There are two different types of dietary fiber – soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber passes through the body undigested, unlike other carbohydrates. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and may help lower blood glucose and cholesterol. Examples of foods with soluble fiber are oatmeal, nuts, beans, lentils, apples, and blueberries. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and helps food move through your digestive system. Consuming insoluble fiber helps regulate your digestive system and may help prevent constipation. Some examples of insoluble fiber are wheat, whole wheat bread, whole grain couscous, brown rice, legume, carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

How much should I consume each day?  

The 13 grams of fiber per 8-ounce bottle of CF(Protein)® comes from non-GMO soluble vegetable fiber. The RDA for total fiber intake for men and women 19-50 years of age is 38 grams/day and 25 grams/day, respectively. The RDA for men and women over 51 is 31 grams/day and 21 grams/day, respectively. Consuming CF(Protein)® can help you meet the RDA and get all the benefits of consuming adequate amounts of fiber.

How can I include more in my diet?

Most Americans do not consume enough dietary fiber. On average, Americans consume about 15 grams of fiber per day, far lower than the RDA, regardless of age or gender. The best ways to increase fiber intake are choosing whole grains whenever possible, consuming legumes and beans, and increasing fruit and vegetable intake. Drinking CF(Protein)® can help support you in achieving the RDA because it contains 13 grams per one 8 ounce bottle.

Preventing diseases with adequate fiber:

Fiber may help reduce the risk of developing various diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. Studies show that the intake of fiber lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. NHANES cross-sectional Data (2003-2006) showed that intake of whole grains (rich in fiber) was associated with enhancing the effects of statin in lowering cholesterol.

Fiber may help prevent constipation by regulating bowel movements. Constipation is a common gastrointestinal problem that many people experience. If you have chronic constipation, you may need to ramp up your fiber intake, and drinking CF(Protein)® is an easy and effective way to do so. As always, if you have a chronic health issue, it is best to speak to your doctor for any specific recommendations.

Fiber can also help maintain a healthy weight. High fiber foods are typically more filling than lower fiber foods. They also help keep you feeling fuller for longer. Satiety is the term used to describe your fullness. Fiber increases satiety after a meal. If you are looking to lose weight, increasing your fiber intake may help by increasing satiety and preventing the intake of excess calories.   

If you are not getting enough fiber, we recommend drinking one CF(Protein)® a day as a simple yet effective way to reap the benefits of adequate fiber intake.

Now that you know everything about fiber, check our our website to purchase CF(Protein)® to easily meet the RDA.

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How Can I Prevent a Hangover?

While we do not recommend drinking in excess, sometimes, hangovers just…happen. And sometimes, that is just…okay. The easy answer to not having a hangover is to stop drinking but we know this may not be realistic for some people who enjoy drinking. With that being said, we want to prepare you for your next night out and help you fight those dreaded hangover symptoms with CF(Rehydrate)®.

As always, we genuinely want you to look and feel your best. When it comes to alcohol, the Recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 1 standard drink per day for women and 2 for men. 

A standard drink is defined as:

  • 5 ounces of wine
  • 1.5 ounces of hard alcohol
  • 12 ounces of regular beer (5%) 

What causes a hangover?

Typically, if you drink too much alcohol you may feel it the next morning. The more alcohol you drink, the worse the hangover is but some people have worse symptoms than others. But why do we get these gnarly symptoms after having a little too much fun?

Some factors that contribute to these feelings are:

  • Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it increases urine output and, after a night of drinking, can leave your body extremely dehydrated. 
  • Alcohol causes an inflammatory response. This in turn can trigger inability to concentrate, memory problems and decreased appetite. 
  • Alcohol increases stomach acid and delays stomach emptying. This can cause nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain. 
  • Alcohol may cause low blood sugar. When blood sugar is too low, you may experience fatigue, weakness, shakiness and mood swings. 
  • Alcohol can cause blood vessels to expand leading to headaches. 
  • Alcohol causes sleep disturbances which may leave you feeling tired. 

How is  CF(Rehydrate)® crucial BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER a night out?

As we have learned, hangovers are typically caused by dehydration as a result of too much alcohol. Electrolytes are keys to hydration. When you provide your body with electrolytes like sodium and potassium and minerals like magnesium, you can stave off headaches, fatigue and muscle pain. 

CF(Rehydrate)® makes bouncing back a breeze with 32 fluid ounces of liquid that is concentrated with electrolytes. This natural beverage provides medical grade hydration, resulting in superior rehydration to sugary sports drinks or water alone. For best results, we recommend drinking CF(Rehydrate)® before and after your night out. 

Why is water so important during a night out?

While in an ideal situation you would carry CF(Rehydrate)®  everywhere you go, we understand that it’s probably not the case while you’re out dancing the night away. So, while you are out make sure to ping pong your alcoholic beverages with a hefty glass of water. This will be a game changer in how you feel the next morning. We know this can be difficult but it really makes all the difference. 

So now you know how to best prepare for a night of fun- head to our website to purchase CF(Rehydrate)® to help prevent a hangover.

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